Part 9- A moment I'd never forget

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"Hey, can we talk?"

I say as I reach Percy over by the doorway of the infirmary. I had something really serious I needed to talk to him about, and I had a feeling he wasn't going to like it. And to be honest, neither did I. Percy swallowed and started to walk away from where we were standing.

"Uhm, yeah, sure. What's up?"

I look around briefly at our surroundings, noticing multiple campers who I didn't particularly want to risk being around when I told Percy the truth.
"Not here. Let's go to the lake."
I grabbed Percy's hand and started walking towards the path through the trees to where the lake was.

And, of course, because apparently the gods wanted to make this experience as miserable as possible, it started raining. Luckily, the lake was just within camp boundaries, so as long we don't go too far out, we should be okay. Oh, who are you kidding Y/n. Nothing about what you're about to do is okay. But you're doing it for your relationship. Just breathe.

Percy and I finally found ourselves on the gravel ground next to the lake, and I let go of Percy's hand. Breathe, Y/n, breathe. You can do this. For Luke.
You know what. I don't care if it's raining. If I'm really gonna do this, I need to calm myself down.
I walk past Percy and over the border of the barrier around camp towards the dock that reached out into the middle of the lake. Percy followed, without hesitation.

I sighed and turned towards Percy, and he spoke first.
"So, what is it? And why are we standing in the rain to talk about it?"
I take a deep breath and just do it.

"Percy, I think we should spend less time together."

And he looked at me the exact way I thought he would. Hurt.
"W-what? What are you talking about..?"

"Look, Percy, you're my best friend. But, I'm in a relationship now, and if I want to keep that relationship, we need to hang out less. I'm sorry..."

"This is his doing, isn't it."
He says in a serious tone, as if he was making an accusation. I just looked away from him.

"Look at me Y/n. Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth. Is Luke the reason you're doing this."

I didn't want to admit the real reason i was doing this was because i couldn't control my thoughts when i was around him. I couldn't bring myself to look at him. But i guess my silence was enough of an answer because Percy let out an exhausted sigh.

"Great. So now your boyfriend gets to control who you hang out with. That's just great, Y/n."

I finally looked up at him. He was getting mad, I could tell. He didn't look sad anymore. He looked frustrated. And he spoke again.

"You know, I didn't really take you for the kind of person who just lets some idiot guy walk all over and control her, the minute he shows her an ounce of affection."

And that's when i snapped. Where did he get off telling me I was a pushover.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!"

"You know what? Just forget it. If you don't want to be friends, then fine. Run back to your precious boyfriend."
He turned around and started to walk away. But I shouted over the rain.

"I never said that! Gods Percy, why do you care so dam much what Luke does?!"

He stopped walking and turned back to face me and took a few steps towards me and said,
"Because it should've been me."

I stood there, totally confused about what he meant by that.

He took a few more long strides towards me until we were only a few inches apart. He took my face in his hands, closing the distance even more. And he said,
"Screw it."

And in that moment, I felt the entire world around me come to a stop. I couldn't hear the rain around me anymore. All my senses were focusing on the boy in front of me.
He kissed me. And I don't mean a quick peck, I mean, a real kiss. His lips were covered in water droplets from the rain, and they felt warm against mine. And it stayed like that for several seconds. Eyes closed and hands still pulling me towards him.

He slowly pulled away and opened his eyes to look in mine, catching his breath as he does so. And I do the same.
"W-why did you do that...?"

He sighed.
"It's the point I'm trying to make. It's the thing I haven't been able to stop thinking about for months. It doesn't matter that I kissed you, because that douche already stole your first kiss that day at the lake."

I continued to look Percy in his tear filled eyes. My mind racing, trying to comprehend what just happened, and what he was saying. I swallowed and spoke the honest truth.
"Percy....I didn't kiss Luke that day...he wanted to, but I got scared and chickened out. He said he'd wait until i was ready, but I haven't kissed him the entire time we've been together..."
Tears were starting to form in my eyes aswell.

Percy looked at me as if I had just told him I was an alien. Dumbstruck, guilty, and upset.
"Y/n I'm so sorr-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence before I pulled myself away from him and started sprinting back down the dock towards camp. The tears were now blending in with the rain drops rolling down my face. My best friend just kissed me, then said to me that it didn't matter, all because he thought i had already had my first kiss. Percy had been my first kiss, even though I have a boyfriend. Thunder rumbled throughout the sky as I made my way through the forest path back to camp.

Once I made it back to the Apollo cabin and climbed through the window and fell onto my bed, I broke down into tears. So much had just happened, and I had no idea how to process any of it. I brought my knees to my chest and buried my eyes in my arms, just letting the tears flow. And I guess the crying tired me out because the next thing I knew, my head was on the pillow, and my cheeks were stained with tears. My eyelids became heavier and heavier, until I eventually couldn't keep them open anymore, and I fell asleep.

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