3. Unwanted Favour

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Mix wakes up, catching his breath, beads of sweat covering his skin

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Mix wakes up, catching his breath, beads of sweat covering his skin. Again. The same nightmare. The same day he lost someone who was like a mother to him, and almost lost his best friend as well. It has been months, but he still hears the agonising cries of Lana's mother and sees Lana's tears staining her rounded cheeks for hours and days after that awful night.

Lana doesn't blame Mix for what happened. Not even once she said or did anything that would make Mix feel like she does, but a part of Mix feels the burden of not keeping them both safe. Maybe if they would run faster. Maybe if he had run the last one towards the car instead of the first one things would have been different. Lana's mother would still be alive. Mix wouldn't keep having all those nightmares and feeling as if the ghost of Lana's mother was following him everywhere he went, Lana would still have her gorgeously long and wavy chocolate hair instead of a buzz cut, cold stare in her eyes and a tattoo of a headless zombie on her neck.

But things happened the way they happened and Mix can't turn them back. But there is something else he can do.

He glances at the clock hanging on the wall right above him and gets out of his makeshift bed. They have been living in an abandoned high school for almost five months. During those months a community has been created of people who simply want to survive and maybe, hopefully, return the world to the way it was before the first zombie went rogue. And Mix is the one who not only has an idea of how to do that but has been training all those months to prepare for it.

He runs down the stairs all the way to the gym and starts his daily routine. It's only a little past four in the morning, but no matter how much he tries, he can never fall asleep again after seeing Lana's mother turning into a rogue zombie right in front of his eyes. Mix hits a punching bag once and then twice, harder and harder, hissing in a deep breath and letting it out. He turns around and kicks the bag as hard as he can, the bag flies a couple of metres away from him. He pulls it back to himself and hits it again and again.

Mix finds himself calming down the best with some boxing in the early morning when no one is still up and he doesn't have to deal with people around who have nothing better to do than gossip and cry about how they all gonna die an awful death sooner or later. Mix bites his bottom lip and shakes his head, if people focused more on how to deal with the apocalypse hanging above their heads instead of just pitting themselves, maybe the human society would be way closer to dealing with this problem than they are now.

Leaving the punching bag, Mix gets to the table covered with guns and knives. He grabs the first knife in line—its weight and shape are already familiar to him the same way the weight and shape of Lana's body are familiar to Mix from all those days and nights Mix held her while she cried. Mix loves Lana. He wants the best for her. She's practically like his sister. She was always in his life and she was always happy. Until that faithful night and that dreams-shattering date. Mix doesn't want Lana to be even more upset than she already is, but he knows that by going further with his plan, he'll have to let her down. She can't go with him. No one can. It's better if he does it on his own. Even just getting halfway there will be a herculean task; he doesn't need to put anyone else in more danger than they are already in.

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