14. Experiment

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"It's okay," Earth quietly says and slowly stands up. "I have to deal with her just like you said."

"Wait, Earth," Mix grabs Earth by his wrist and looks up at him. "You don't have to do it. I'll go."

"No," Earth shakes his head. "You were right—now, she is my responsibility. I convinced you to keep her here. I'll deal with her now. Stay back."

Nervously biting his bottom lip, Mix lets go of Earth's wrist and remains seated on the floor on the other side of the van. He isn't really worried about Earth's physical health. Earth, on top of being in the army, is skilled enough to kill a freshly turned zombie without even really trying. What bothers Mix more is Earth's mind. Earth was the one who really wanted to help this girl and keep her with them. Earth truly, really cared about her even in such a short time. And now he has to kill her. This kind of thing will mess with everyone. Or who knows, maybe Mix is just worried for nothing. Maybe Earth will be perfectly fine. Mix guesses, he has no other choice but to wait and see.

Earth takes one of Mix's knives from Mix's rucksack and slowly makes his way towards the door of the van. He doesn't want to make a mess inside. It's better to get Lilly out of the van and kill her there than inside where the rest of them should stay at least till morning. So, watching Lilly slowly turning left and right, her body slightly bent over to the right and her skin having a greenish tint, Earth positions himself more to the right side of the van and carefully, step by step, he makes his way towards the door. Making eye contact with Lilly, Earth slowly opens the door and then he yells out, "I'm right here, Lilly. Do you remember me? Let's talk!" After that, he jumps out of the van and turns around again to look at her.

Thankfully, she is following after him. The moment her clumsy walking body gets out of the van, Earth spots Mix and right behind him Pond and Phuwin, looking at Earth a bit worried and a bit curious. Earth just shakes his head and gives them a small smile. There's nothing to be worried about. Earth can do this even with his eyes closed. Lilly has just turned. It's like killing a baby. It's like killing a baby... Earth sighs, he shouldn't have cared about her. Why did he do that? He should have known that this could happen. He should have seen it coming.

Part of him doesn't want to do it, but the rational side of him knows that Lilly is no more and the zombie which is slowly approaching him right now is not a friend at all.

Earth grips the handle of the knife tighter and counts to three. "I'm sorry," he whispers as he moves towards Lilly and stabs the knife through her eye, all the way to the brain. She stops moving. Her lips leaves one more groaning sound and then when Earth takes the knife out she drops to the ground, her limbs contorted in unnatural directions.

"Brain," Earth says. "Always go for the brain. Works like magic." He cleans the knife off into the sleeve of his jacket and starts walking back towards the van. Mix, Pond, and Phuwin are looking at him silently and Earth can almost see how much they are thinking about what to say and what not to say to him. He doesn't understand why they are making such a big deal out of it. It's not the first zombie he killed. And it's not even the first zombie he killed that he actually cared about. Earth is going to be okay. It might bother him for a couple of days, but he'll be fine.

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