11. Destiny

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Earth doesn't have many options

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Earth doesn't have many options.

If he decides to let Rogers go, Rogers will be back breathing on their necks, but if he ties him up and leaves him here, it's almost as if he is killing him himself. But what can he do? He has already decided—he is on Mix's side.

Holding the gun in his hand, he thinks about another three handguns he has in his rucksack. Maybe the best thing he can do for Rogers is to leave one gun with him. That way, Rogers might have at least a slight chance once the zombies find him.

He turns to Pond and Phuwin, "do you two have a rope?" Earth has a rope, but only one, and he isn't convinced that using it now is the best idea. He might need it later way more than he needs it now.

Pond nods, "yeah, we have a couple of them, actually."

"Wonderful, hand me one," Earth reaches out his hand and glances back at Rogers checking if he is still knocked out.

"What are we doing?" Mix whispers, leaning towards Earth.

"I'm going to tie him up and leave him here. That's the best option we have, unless," Earth looks right into Mix's eyes, "you want to go straight to the military."

"Won't you have problems with your generals or whoever, if they find out what you've done?"

"I don't think he'll survive to tell the tale," Earth shrugs.

Mix frowns, feeling like somehow he is forcing Earth to do something he doesn't want to do. Earth is trying to do things the way Mix wants them to be done, but maybe this time he shouldn't... but if Earth lets Rogers go, Rogers will probably not let them go. And Mix cannot go to the military. He just can't.

Mix sighs, grabbing Earth's forearm, "Earth, you don't have to do this if you don't feel like it. Maybe we can just leave while he is still knocked out and once he wakes up we'll be too far for him to find us again."

Earth shakes his head, "no... Rogers is an asshole, but he is an exceptional tracker. He would find us even after days. I'll leave him a gun here. That should help him a little."

"Do you think he'll die here?" Mix asks.

"Who knows," Earth breathes out, "who knows."

"Earth!" Pond calls out. "Here," he throws the rope at Earth, giving him a thumb up when Earth catches it.

"Help me with tying him up?" Earth cocks his head towards unconscious Rogers.

"Sure," Mix replies and with Earth, he slowly approaches the man who held him at gunpoint just minutes ago; and yet it feels like so much has happened since.

Mix is watching as Earth checks on Rogers, making sure that he isn't going to wake up anytime soon, and only after being sure they have time, he nods towards Mix. "Hold him up for me."

So Mix does. He is doing exactly what Earth wants from him, and somewhere in the middle of Earth tying Rogers up with some kind of military knot which frankly speaking, Mix has never seen in his life, Mix realizes how fast things have changed. Right after meeting Earth, Mix could not even imagine that he would ever follow anything this military guy would ever say. And now he is doing exactly that... the military guy is betraying another military guy for him.

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