9. Reflection in the Mirror

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"This fell out of your rucksack

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"This fell out of your rucksack. Were you in contact with the military since we met?"


"And I'm supposed to believe you?"

"Why would you ask then?" Earth looks right at Mix. "Look, yes, I admit that I thought about letting my superiors know that I found you, but then I decided not to. They would want me to bring you to them as soon as possible. You obviously don't want that so, I think it's better if they don't know that I have located you. Simple as that."

Mix looks at the walkie-talkie in his hand, thinking for a second whether he should give it back to Earth or not, but eventually he decides to return it to whom it belongs. "I'd prefer if you could keep me a secret as long as possible. I don't need someone else from the military breathing on my neck."

"I told you that I'll follow your rules. They won't know about you. At least not from me," Earth puts the walkie-talkie back into his rucksack and looks back at Mix. "Can I ask something?"

"Go on."

"Pond said that the first victim that was attacked by a rogue zombie was your best friend and the zombie was her boyfriend... can you tell me more about that?"

Mix sighs; Pond simply doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut. Mix doesn't like to talk about the way all of this has started. He knows that there wasn't anything that he could have done differently on that day to prevent the attack or what followed, but he still feels like maybe things would be a little bit different if he had agreed to be a third wheel at Lana's and Oliver's date. But who knows if it would be better or worse. Mix, for his own peace of mind, thinks that it would be worse. Oliver could have attacked him. And if he had turned him, then Mix wouldn't have been able to go on a journey to get to the top of the Doi Inthanon. And if Mix did not have a chance to do it what would be the chances of this apocalypse ever ending? Mix thinks they would be slim. All because his grandfather had to make this whole thing work based on blood DNA.

But who knows, maybe if Mix tells Earth what happened, it will somehow help the military to... Mix doesn't even know what... come up with some counter-attack? The military has to be working on some plan for how to fight this, right? But how will Earth tell something to the military if Mix doesn't want him to tell them that they are together? Gosh, Mix is getting tangled up in his own thoughts again.

"I guess I have asked the wrong question. Forget it," Earth suddenly says and Mix realizes that he probably was quiet for far too long.

"Uhmm, yeah... I mean... no," Mix nervously laughs. "It's just a hard topic for me to talk about. Everything was just so perfect before that, you know? Oliver—the boyfriend and zombie—was almost done with uni. I and Lana—my best friend—we still had a couple of years, but we were having fun. You know how some people after a while just want to be done with their studies. But we were enjoying it. Lana and Oliver were head over heels for each other, and I liked Oliver a lot as well. I thought that he was great for my best friend. Lana's almost like my sister. I want just the best for her, wouldn't you? So, on the day when Lana asked me if I wanted to hang out with her and Oliver, I said no because I wanted to give them privacy. I would be just third-wheeling anyway. But then I got home and I saw the news..."

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