5. Familiar Faces

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"Over here, turn left," Earth points in the direction of a narrow alley across the street

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"Over here, turn left," Earth points in the direction of a narrow alley across the street.

It's in the opposite direction to where Mix wants to go, so he doesn't turn left, just slows down and looks at Earth, "why? That's not where I'm going."

"But it is where I have all my stuff," Earth explains and nudges Mix to the left. "Or what? Do you think that I'm walking around just like this 24/7 without any spare clothes or ammunition?"

"I don't know. You tell me," Mix rolls his eyes, but follows Earth left. "Just so you know, I would prefer if we would get to my hiding spot before the sun completely disappears. I don't like being outside when it's dark unless it's necessary."

"I'm not a big fan of it either, no worries." Earth cocks his head towards a tall gray building with break-opened windows and barely functional doors. "We are here. I have my stuff in the basement. Wanna come with me?"

"Sure, so you can, tie me up to a chair and slowly, agonisingly slowly, torture me until I die? No, thanks. I'll wait here," Mix replies, eyes scanning the new area around him.

"Paranoid much," Earth chuckles and enters the building, leaving Mix alone outside.

He goes down to the basement, taking a small flashlight out from his pants and turning it on so he can see better. He grabs his backpack, a rifle, and a water bottle before his eyes fall on his walkie-talkie lying on the small cabinet in the corner of the room. He grabs it and turns it on, but then he hesitates. If he lets his superiors know that he has found the man they are looking for but that man doesn't want to cooperate, things can get messy.

Unlike Earth, his superiors probably won't be so inclined to immediately agree to Mix's plan. They will want to do it their way because that's the way they know, that's the way they are comfortable with, and for them, it's the best way that exists. They wouldn't spend a second to consider what Mix wants and how he wants to do it. Their ultimate goal is to end this apocalypse by any means necessary. And even though Earth has the same goal as them, he is willing to listen to others and especially he is willing to listen to the person who is the only one that can actually bring everything back to normal... or at least as normal as it can be after all these months of suffering and trauma that goes so deep it probably never go away.

So, after standing in the basement for much more than he is needed right during the time when the sun is almost gone from the sky, Earth finally turns the walkie-talkie back off and walks back upstairs to meet with Mix.

Mix looks bored... and furious... a very interesting combination, Earth thinks. He walks up closer to Mix and ducks his head down, "yeah, I know, it took me forever. I'm sorry."

"I was starting to hope that maybe one of our zombie friends got you," Mix says.

"Wow, you really want me dead," Earth puts his hand on his heart, "it really breaks my heart."

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