Chapter 76

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The driver was temporarily called out of the car.

Yu Yan took out the mineral water on the side, unscrewed it and handed it to Jian Jinzhao, "Drink some water first, I see your lips are a little dry."

Jian Jinzhao took it, but his attention did not change, "Hurry up and stop talking. It whets my appetite."

Yu Yan asked him, "You should have guessed Xiao Yong's identity?"

Jian Jinzhao replied, "The head of the Huanyu Group, the eldest son of Mr. Xiao?"

Yu Yan nodded, "Yes, he is Xiao Hui's The eldest brother is also the current acting chairman of Huanyu Group."

He pushed the mineral water in Jian Jinzhao's hand, "Don't worry, drink some water to moisten your throat first, and then listen to me tell you slowly."

Jian Jinzhao didn't see him. With the unyielding look in his eyes, he had to take two sips to moisten his throat, "Okay, can we talk now?" "

Teacher Jian, do you still remember the night when Kyoya's accident happened, I contacted Yu Yi immediately, At that time, he questioned me on the phone--"

Yu Yan looked at Jian Jinzhao and repeated the story exactly as it was, "If one day the capital behind the industry takes action against you and Jingying, will I be able to protect myself? How can I? Can't protect you?"

Jian Jinzhao nodded, "I remember that your emotional state was very bad after you came back that night. Is it because of these words?"


Yu Yan took Jian Jinzhao's hand again, "On the way back that day, I have thought a lot, and I know that the entertainment industry is filled with various capital forces, and I also understand that this is a status quo that cannot be changed." The

entertainment industry is one of the most profitable industries.

From the rise to the peak of China Entertainment, and now to what fans call the "downturn", over the years, countless actors with dreams have come and gone, and countless capital has exploited and profited from it.

Even if it is occasionally rectified and affected by relevant policies, it still cannot completely change the reality.

"Teacher Jian, I know your pride, you will not bow down for capital."

Yu Yan said a simple understanding, but Jian Jinzhao's heart was inexplicably sour.

Over the years since his debut, he has encountered bribery and difficulties from capital, but every time he tried his best to escape.

Capitalists could not bring him into their own camp, so they chose the simplest solution. In the end, they teamed up with Jian Jinzhao, the person he considered "the most trusted" at the time, to betray him. Once upon a time, Jian Jinzhao thought

that the whole world was black. Yes, in this circle, there are people who truly understand his persistence and walk with him.

Until one day after his rebirth, Yu Xiang appeared in his life. A ray of sunshine penetrated the darkness where he was walking alone. Gradually, this warmth completely enveloped him.

Yu Yan felt the emotional fluctuations of the person in front of him, and clasped his fingers to comfort him, "In that case, leave some things to me."

Since being a star can't compete with capital, then use capital means to make profits.

"Qin Ye and Kyoya have private contacts with the top management of Huanyu. My guess is that it can only be Xiao Hui."

"Yu Yi retorted and questioned me so much, but he just wanted me to join Beidou, but I Just do the opposite."

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