Injections and vaccines

449 11 0

Age: 2


It was a couple of months after Anastasia's second birthday and I had to take her for her injections. Steve was out on a mission and Kate was unavailable. Yelena had come round to the house after I called her.

"Heyyyy!" Yelena called as she came into the house.

"Oh hey Lena," I greeted as I was putting Ana's shoes on. "Ana, stop swinging your leg!"

Ana stopped swinging her leg and mumbled, "Mama angry."

I chuckled softly and kissed her forehead gently.

"No, I'm not mad, don't worry," I assured her, finishing velcroing her shoes.

"How's my favourite sister and niece?" Yelena asked, coming over and lifting my daughter into her arms.

"Meeeeee!" Ana yelled in Yelena's ear.

I saw Yelena wince.

"Hey, settle down!" she hushed.

"Where are we going?"

Me and Yelena shared a glance.

"To get ice cream," Yelena replied. "But first we need to stop somewhere."

Ana pouted. I pulled my red jacket on and grabbed my car keys.

"Come on, we'll be late," I told them, walking towards the door.


"Mama where are we going?" Anastasia asked again as I carried her into the doctor's surgery.

"Just a little stop," I replied.

I noticed my daughter's eyes were wide as she looked around.

"It smells funny!" she proclaimed.

I smiled softly.

"You'll be okay," I mumbled, rubbing her back gently.

"When's the appointment?" Yelena asked as we sat down in the waiting room.

"A few minutes," I replied.

The waiting room was silent apart from a radio playing quietly in the corner. I honestly didn't understand why they did that. It made the whole place feel creepy.

Eventually, a nurse came out of one of the rooms.

"Natasha Romanoff with Anastasia Romanoff-Rogers?" she asked.

I stood up and went over, Yelena behind and Ana still in my arms. The nurse closed the door behind us and gestured to place Ana on the bed. I did so and she whimpered.

"Nice to see you Natasha, and who is this?"

"Yelena," my sister introduced herself with a smile.

The nurse nodded her blonde head.

"So you've given Anastasia all of her necessary injections so far?" the nurse questioned, eyes looking over a sheet of paper she held in her hand.

"Yeah," I replied. "From 8 weeks."

Ana looked between me and the nurse, eyes wide with confusion and apprehension.

"Okay, all she needs now is her MMR - measles, mumps and rubella - and her final pneumococcal injection."

I nodded and the nurse stood up. As she went over to a counter, I pulled my chair closer to the bed. Anastasia - confused by all these words - was whimpering. I put my hand on her knee and whispered comforting words. The nurse reapproached with a needle and disinfectant wipe. The nurse pulled her sleeve up and wiped over a spot on her shoulder. Ana hit her hand away so I took her small hands, saying, "Anastasia, let the nurse do her job."

Her eyes were wide as she watched the nurse pick up the needle.

"Can you just hold her please?" the nurse asked, seeing my daughter's terrified expression.

"Of course."

I stood up and wrapped my arms around her. As soon as the nurse moved the needle towards Ana, she pushed herself away and started to cry.

"Ana, come here sweetie," I urged her as she moved further and further away from me.

Sobbing, she shook her red head defiantly.

"No!" she yelled, tears streaking her face.

I went around the bed and gently grabbed my daughter so she screamed and kicked in my arms.

"Mama no!" Ana shouted. "NO I DON'T WANT TO!"

I tightened my grip to keep hold of her as she flailed about in my arms, screaming. I hated that she was so scared, but she needed her injections.

"Anastasia, calm down, it's okay!" I had to almost shout for her to hear me.

She cried harder. I felt someone behind me and a voice said in my ear, "Let me take her."

I turned around and passed her to Yelena. Ana buried her head in my sister's neck.

"Don't make me!" she begged, crying.

"Hey, hey, shhhh..." Yelena rocked back and forth slowly, rubbing Ana's back. "Its okay, it's okay."

The nurse stood by me as Yelena took Ana to the other side of the room.

"Quite a loud one you got there, huh?" she laughed.

"Yeah," I agreed with a smile, watching Ana begin to calm down.


Eventually Yelena had worked her magic and had Ana sat back on the bed, holding her small hands. Yelena gently rolled up Ana's sleeve again and nodded to the nurse.

"So, what ice cream do you want?" Yelena asked as the nurse approached Ana.

"Chocolate!" Ana replied loudly, distracted.

The nurse took her chance and slid the needle into Ana's shoulder. After a moment she noticed and spun around, but by then the needle was out. Ana looked at me with wide green eyes, tears brimming them. She honestly looked quite betrayed by me. The nurse placed a plaster over the small dot of blood and stood in front of Ana saying, "All done."

Ana blinked.

"See, it wasn't that bad, was it?" Yelena asked.

"It was it was!" Ana shouted, beginning to cry again.

I quickly went over and Yelena stepped back.

"Hey, you did really well," I said assuringly to my daughter. "We're all proud of you."

The nurse gave her something.

"A lollipop!" Ana shouted joyfully, bouncing up an down. "A red lollipop!"

I smiled softly.

"Come on then, let's go get you ice cream," I laughed, picking her up.

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