Ana's bobsled team

193 15 8

Age: 7


Being a seven year old, you wanted to try everything. And I mean everything. From eating dragonfruit to bungee jumping (which neither your mom nor dad would let you do), you wanted to do it.

"Daddy whyyyyy?" you dragged out your plea as you stood in the kitchen, pleading your dad to let you go sledding on his shield.

"Because it's for fighting, not snowdays," your dad replied, crouching down to your level.

"I can fight the snow," you suggested with wide green eyes.

Steve chuckled.

"Sure you can, but not with my shield sweetie," he replied, taking your small hands in his.

"Well what with?" you asked, squeezing his thumbs slightly.

"I dunno..." a small smile crept over his face, and in a hushed voice suggested, "How about mommy's Widow bites?"

"Really?" you gasped. "She won't let me!"

Steve laughed.

"And I won't let you use my shield as a sled," he pointed out.

"But mommy's more scary," you pouted.

Raising an eyebrow, your dad asked, "Oh is that so?"

You nodded, not expecting the tickle attack that was coming.

"Ohhh I can be scary too," he chuckled, suddenly grabbing your sides and tickling you. 

You shrieked with joy as you couldn't control your little 7 year old laughter at the tickling sensation. The shrieking made your mom come running into the kitchen, fearing the worst as you screeched bloody murder, only to find you rolling about in Steve's arms. She grinned as she watched your father-daughter bonding time.

Once you spotted your mom, you cried out, "Mommy tell him to let me- DAAAAAAD!"


You'd ended up tiring yourself out within 10 minutes, and were slumped in your dad's arms as he carried you into the lounge.

"Rest now sweetie," he told you.

"But there won't be snow tomorrow," you whined as he placed you on the sofa.

"The weather forecast says otherwise," Steve replied with a smile and a kiss on your forehead.

Natasha flopped down on the sofa beside you and took you in her arms.

"For now, rest," she told you. "You can play out tomorrow."

So you ended up falling asleep in your mother's arms, hopeful of snow the next morning.


"Thankyou so much for agreeing to bring Peter over," Natasha thanked Peter's Aunt May as the two of you chatted excitedly about the snow.

"Oh no problem," May replied with a smile. "He was desperate to play in the snow, and I thought Anastasia would be too."

"Yeah!" Peter cried, lifting his fist in the air excitedly. "Come on Ana, let's go outside!"

He ran towards the back door and you ran after him. You both hurried to put your wellies, coat, hat and gloves on as Steve helped you both.

"Go on then," he said, opening the door for you both. "Make sure to come inside if you get too cold!"

You both ran outside and you watched out of the corner of your eye until Steve disappeared.

"Hey Pete, wanna do something cool?" you asked wickedly, a grin forming on your face.

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