chapter 22

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Atticus finished emptying what was left of the remaining alcohol in his system, groaning and leaning back, away from the toilet.

"Gosh.... I f-feel horrible..." Atticus whined. He looked around, wondering when Killian would be back, he did say that he left to get them food. Atticus thought back to his time with Conner, clearly Conner was not entirely honest about Atticus's alcohol tolerance, if he was, Atticus thought bitterly. I wouldn't be here, draped over a toilet, looking like a mess. You know? This situation actually feels quite familiar. Atticus shook his head. He remembered something similar, hazy, but similar. He leaned over to gag over the toilet once more, he didn't have anything left to throw up, making the reflex hurt even more.

He suddenly had a short vision of himself, it was him! And.... Conner? He was speaking to Conner. There was a static like sound blurring out their words though. Atticus crawled closer in the Vision. Are we...arguing? He gasped softly. Atticus saw himself hunched over a toilet, similar to right now, but Conner was with him this time, Conner was flushed. Atticus looked at himself and saw great wings behind him, fluttering. He got a little closer, finally being able to discern the voices.

"! You can't love me! I'm's not good for you! I'm not good for you. I can never..." Atticus trialed off.

"Stop! Don't push me away! I have always been here for you, don't take that away now! I know what I'm getting into! Please Atticus! Don't do this to us..." Conner pleaded. His hands were shaking.

*No! You don't know what you're getting into, you never do! You probably never will!" Atticus yelled.

"Then tell me! Show me, do anything! Just don't leave, don't push me away!" Conner begged.

Atticus looked at him, broken. "You shouldn't fall in love with a person like me you know why? I will take you to the best of places, museums, monuments, amusement parks. I will kiss you in every beautiful place, so that you can never go back, not without tasting me like blood in your mouth. I will destroy you in the most beautiful of ways, Conner." Atticus looked him up and down, then, looking away, he continued. "And when I leave you? Oh, Conner, my friend, you will finally learn why all the worst storms are named after men." He said, laughing bitterly.

"Atticus! You're not a storm, you're not as bad as you say. You only believe that because of your parents! I know that! They hate me, and they hate you, I'm sorry, but do not try and push me away because your scared of them!" Conner cried out.

"I'm not scared!" Atticus swiveled around to look at Conner.

"Then why are you pushing me away? Atticus? Please, be honest with me..." Conner shuddered, choking down a quiet sob.

"Conner I'm sorry. I do love you; I do. father doesn't. I can't fathom what he might do to you if he found out." Atticus looked away guiltily.

"I don't care, Atticus. I love you. So much. It hurts, I love you so much it hurts." Conner threw his hands up in the air.

"Conner..." Atticus sighed.

"Atticus?" Conner retaliated.

"Come here..." Atticus frowned. Conner obeyed, walking towards Atticus. Conner kneeled by Atticus, letting the boy wrap his arms around conner's neck, pulling him towards him.

"Conner...I don't want my dad to hurt you, he's a seraphim Conner, he could destroy you at a glance." Atticus trembled slightly.

"I don't care. You know he wont, his position as seraphim is too important to him, he wont risk it by killing me." Conner consoled, rubbing the small of Atticus's back.

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