Wild Area - 6AM

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The Wild Area was extremely deserted as there was no sign of life since the invasion had begun. The sky was a combination of red and orange, indicating that it was sunrise. Not a single soul was out in the wilderness except for one who had arrived.

Sake in hand, Belle looked towards the horizon. The heiress of the invaders was said to be located at the Lake of Outrage where she would be bathing, from what Eren had told the group. The pink haired girl lifted the hood of her brown cloak up, a look of determination in her blue eyes.

'This is going to be one long journey ahead of me and more dangerous than I thought..but I have to do this for everyone's sake. They're all counting on me.'

Breathing deeply, she tightly held the sake and began to venture on her way.

"Now, if I recall correctly, the Lake of Outrage is located in the north." Belle quietly remarked to herself. "If I stay in the right direction, I should be okay. That is, if I don't get jumped by any invaders or clones around here."

The virtual singer's eyes darted around to see if any enemies were nearby. It would be all over if she got attacked during her journey. Still, with little to no fear, she continued walking in her direction. She didn't want to let her fellow heroes down.

From what she heard of the Lake of Outrage, it was a small lake that isolates a large bluff and a small cove from the rest of the Wild Area. There was a stone circle sitting on the edge of the bluff on the western edge of the North, meaning this was easy to find.

A small gasp escaped her lips as Belle heard something. Ducking into the shadows of the trees, she kept herself hidden, watching invaders pass by from afar. Her heart was beating at a fast pace from such an unexpected scare as she tried to still her breath and calm herself.

'Pull yourself together, Belle. Don't let fear consume you. Everyone's counting on you.'

Peeking from behind a tree, she released a breath, she had been holding as the invaders were now out of sight.

"Well better get going."

With that, she continued onwards, navigating her way around parts of the North Wild Area. Minutes seemed like hours with every step, she took but she powered on, determination burning inside her, keeping any fear at bay.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the stone circle came into view, meaning the Lake of Outrage was even closer.

'I made it. Now to finish the job.'

Disgust and horror crossed Belle's face upon seeing the heiress of the invaders. It was such a horrible sight, as Eren described back at the castle. The creature slithered to what seemed to be a makeshift shower. Shaking those horrid thoughts from her head, Belle hurried onwards to the nearest shower pipe. Unscrewing the lid, she poured the sake inside, contaminating the shower water until every last drop.

The virtual diva turned on her heel and made a run for it as a bloodcurdling death scream pierced the air. She stumbled a little but kept on running, her cloak trailing behind her in the air and the hood falling down. She kept on running when she heard a revving engine approaching her.

"Belle! Hop on! Quickly!" Akiza's voice called out.

The virtual diva nodded and hopped onto the D-Wheel. Roaring into life, the two females drove away from the Wild Area as fast as they could. Along the way, relief washed over Belle for she had completed her mission.

She hoped she made the whole gang proud of her accomplishment, even though the invasion was far from over.

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