The Final Battle - 9AM (Part 4)

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Back at the shelter, Anya peeked out of a window to see what was going on. The sunrise was looming over the horizon, it's rays shining through and touching her face. Her green eyes widened as a smile spread upon her face.

"Everyone. Come look." The pink haired girl called over. "The invasion's over! It' over!"

"Really?" Jaden sprang from his seat in extreme excitement. "We're free!"

A chorus of happy exclamations filled the shelter, filled with relief now that the overlord was gone for good. Some of them were excited to see their loved ones returning from battle, feeling eager to reunite with them. However, the sounds of happiness died down when they spotted Yugi looking sullen, hanging his head in sadness.

"Yugi? Everythin' alright, pal?" Asked Joey. "You should be celebratin' now dat those invaders are gone."

"I just got word from Luffy." Replied Yugi, sadly. "One of them won't be coming home."

The survivors all gasped in shock and despair. Their eyes widened, some beginning to fill with tears. Out of all shocked, Syrus was the first to ask. "Who won't be coming back?"

"Eren Yeager. The one who guided Izuku's group. He sacrificed himself to help them defeat the overlord."

The light blue haired boy's bottom lip trembled as he broke down in tears. Jaden saw this and pulled his best friend into a comforting embrace while Hassleberry patted his back in attempt at comfort.

"We'll arrange a memorial for him when we meet the others at the docks." Yugi announced. "Come, let's go greet them."

With that, the survivors all began to file out of the hotel that served as their shelter and out onto the invader free streets. Among them, Inko felt like she would burst into tearful joy upon reuniting with her beloved son and all his friends and allies. Toshinori felt a burst of pride for his protégé.


Out on the docks, everyone gathered around, beginning to watch straight into the distance, hoping to see something come straight through the horizon. The morning breeze blew past them as they waited. After what seemed like an eternity, a ship came sailing towards them. At first, no one could tell what it was in the distance but it became clearer as it sailed closer and closer until it finally docked.

Upon lowering the gangplank, Izuku was first to leave the Sunny to be greeted by his mother and mentor. The whole group were happy to reunite with their loved ones but they were still saddened by the loss of their fallen comrade and the deceased victims that would be taken for identification.

They then decided to hold a memorial in honour.


In the middle of the park, everyone was seated, having gathered for the memorial. Yugi stepped up to the podium, beside the newly erected statue made in dedication and loving memory.

"Dearly beloved, we have gathered here on this very day to mourn and honour the life of Eren Yeager. Eren served as a guide in helping a group of our heroes during this invasion and always lent a hand in helping others in taking out those creatures in locations from U.A. High to Fruits Parlor Crown to Capsule Corps. We've been keeping in touch in order to keep the survivors updated in what's been happening. I knew him as he had lost his foster sister and childhood friend and I hope he is reunited with him. We will all miss him dearly."

The king of games composed himself. "Now, let us have a moment of silence for Eren whose sacrifice will never be in vain and those we sadly lost in the invasion."

Bowing their heads and closing their eyes, Izuku stood among the mourners as the music played in the background. While it was shockingly painful to lose Eren in the final battle, he was very grateful for all he had done for him and his friends.

'Thank you, Eren..for everything. Your sacrifice will never be in vain. Rest well...'

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