Chapter 1

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How illegal is it to stab someone? I thought to myself. Maybe ten, or twenty years. I can handle that.

Don't get me wrong I am ecstatic that I am a year away from graduating from Gluwood. It means that I can pursue my dream and start to make a name for myself. And the school is pretty peaceful. No fights, unessential drama, evil magic. But is the ancient Flufo script seriously going to be important in life? For certain career paths, I get.

For example, if you wanted to be an explorer or adventurer maybe even a translator. Knowing the ancient script can be very helpful for those types of jobs. Maybe it will even help you get one up in interviews. Sorta like bonus points. Seriously though, it is so difficult. I suck at English, my native tongue as it is. Having to do this is just complete and utter torture. Nothing against people who want to pursue that as a career, I am sure that you are lovely people.

But, fuck taking two years of this shit is hard enough I couldn't imagine taking the advanced class for longer. I am a food major, not a language one. I don't need to speak an ancient language from over 900 thousand years ago. So it is really stupid that I have to take this course. I am going to be cooking food, not deciphering ancient tablets. I am never going to ever use this in my real life.

On top of that, my teacher Ms. Gigi hates my guts. Like I am not kidding. If I clearly am not understanding something she chooses me to answer the question. When I get it wrong you know what she does? She says that I need to pay better attention in class. 'Start focusing on your work.' she says. She acts like I killed her cat or some shit. To clear up I didn't. Like she is seriously terrible. When my mother died I took a lot of unplanned time off.

Anyone would. It is a normal reaction, I needed time to grieve and accept her death. This resulted in me needing extra help since I ultimately fell behind. I tried to do the work at home but it was just too difficult.

Since there weren't many tutors available and I needed to catch up ASAP she ultimately had to tutor me. You know what this bitch told me? After I told her that I had a family emergency. "You should have done your homework" she said "You should have planned it off" she said. I did not want to play the poor me card but damn I almost did. Like my mother died due to someone's rouge magic. It was in no way planned. I was grieving for fucks sake. So that left me without any parents, and spending a whole bunch of time at my aunt's condo.

During that conversation, I had to bite my tongue before I called her a bitchy cunt. Or something even worse. I almost wish I did, but the last thing I need is another yellow card on my record. Since those stick to your record forever and can ultimately cost you a job.

Through all of this, my Aunt was awesome. She isn't my aunt by blood but, she might as well be. She took me in and helped me to catch up on work. She was my mom's best friend during her magic days. Before she retired and raised me.

But enough of that back to the problem at hand. My wondrous teacher decided to assign us all a whole scroll of text to decipher and justify its meaning. A whole fucking scroll. Seriously who the actual fuck does she think we are, some smarty-pants straight-A kids. Half of us don't even want to be here, let alone do this. Her expectations are the size of Flufo birds.

"Now I expect everyone to hand me the deciphered scroll and the reason why it is significant to the cultural learning of this class." Oh her voice is just so irritating. Like nails on a chalkboard, it hurts my ears. I was strangling my pencil like it was a deadly weapon. Now I want to murder her. I turn my gaze down at my watch. Hopefully to see if this dumb class is almost over. 5:19. Yes, only six minutes left. I looked around at my peers to see some asleep and a few listening intently. Like our teacher was some sort of god. Her way is the law.

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