Chapter 7

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As I opened my eyes I felt the burning pain in the back of my head. The place where I had been attacked and knocked unconscious but, for what reason. I have no value when it comes to power or anything. Never have, never will. My surroundings were dim and eerie.

The metal walls displayed the fact that this building was not cared for, rust running up the walls like an unstoppable super weed. Spreading out. I attempted to get up off the cold ground that was freezing my ass but it was pointless.

I was bound by heavy thick ropes to my best guess was a pillar of some sort. A very audible moan of pain was heard and then I saw it. Bloody, beaten and barely hanging on was my cousin.

Sweet, kind, loving Vick. His hands were tied above his head as he was hanging suspended in the air. Once my eyes finally adjusted I saw the blood dripping from a wound on his shoulder. A blade wound. From my angle I couldn’t see it fully. It might be infected, or even worse have something in it.

I surveyed my cousin some more to see no more visible wounds. Thank goodness. I couldn’t live with myself if he dint make it out alive and well. More alive than anything. Vick’ eyes were shut, he was probably knocked out in a similar way. My question though is what use are we to these people.

We are both simply humans. Neither of us would make a good sacrifice or even a weapon. Just then a group of human-looking people entered. They all had on different robes with ruins on them. The most prominent one was the small circle with an x in the middle.

The symbol of support towards Moroc and his dark army. Two stood on either side of me while most of them walked out of my line of sight. The most terrifying thing in that moment was seeing one with a knife walking up towards Vick. They were going to kill him. I struggled against the restraints trying to get myself free to protect my cousin.

I watched as the woman spun on her heel before turning to me. The man with the knife stayed in place. Ready at any moment.“Hello Unola, I have a question that only you can answer.” She walked closer, bending to my level. “Where is the dark weapon?” The dark weapon. What weapon.

“I don’t know.” I was blunt but I needed to be clear. Maybe they would let us go.
But to my horror they cut a giant gash on Vick stomach deep and ragged. “No, no please, please!” I screamed as I watched his blood trickle to the floor creating a puddle.Vick snapped awake and let out pained screams.

They then healed him enough to stop the bleeding. This is pure evil, evil to a wholehearted level. They were torturing Vick to get information from me that I don’t even know about.

I started rubbing the ropes in hope of escaping while they left, if they left. They were going to break him completely. We are not going to get out of this in one piece. “Wrong answer now let’s try again. Where is the dark weapon?”

“I don’t know. Please leave him alone, please don’t hurt Vick.” I began sobbing as I spoke pleading for my cousin’s life. The closest thing I had to a brother. “Wrong answer.” I watched as they ripped his eyeballs out. Vick was screaming in agony as they did it. Slow and painful. “Please stop. I don’t know anything about weapons.

I am telling the truth. Please punish me, not him. He hasn’t done anything.” I screamed at them as they continued. I was in complete tears. I was being forced to watch someone who I hold so dear being killed slowly. “Gag her.” In one instance a cloth was tied in my mouth. Preventing me from pleading anymore.

I let out pained screams as blood came out of his now empty sockets. I let out muffled screams. Unlike the first time they didn’t heal him, or stop. They continued, electrocuting him before they cut into his skin. His beautiful graceful tattoo that he was so proud of. They were slicing it off as if it was some sort of trophy.

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