Chapter 8

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I am brutally woken up by a bright beam of light in my eyes. Aren't my curtains blackout? And away from my bed? I went to get up when I felt something holding me down. I looked down to see a bunch of messy blonde locks sprawled all over my chest and then it hit me—everything at once. Vick was dead, and Dali was in shock, I invited her here and we fell asleep on the couch. She looked relaxed and at peace, the opposite of how she appeared last night.

 I wasn't going to disturb her rest, not after how distressed she was. She is going to need all the rest she can get if she is going to be able to cope properly. When I got the call last night from Reg saying that Vick had died I immediately broken down and then realized that Dali was with him.

My own grief had gone out the window as I searched the tower before remembering about a tree house that the three of them had built. I was so glad when I found her there, even if she was a total disaster she was safe. I couldn't protect my friend but I sure as hell am going to protect his cousin. I will make sure to be with her through the roller coaster that she was about to be forced onto. Even if that meant losing some of my sleep and being patient I will. No one, no matter how evil, mean or devilish, deserves to feel that pain. I played with her hair as she nuzzled herself farther into me and covered her face with the blanket mostly. 

Cute. Quite snores were able to be heard if you focused hard enough, her breathing was even as well, and I could feel her heartbeat which was totally normal. These things wouldn't last long once she is up, but at least she has many people to help her. I reached my hand out and grabbed my phone from the coffee table to see a message from Reg not too long ago.

Daniella is missing.


It was a picture of Daniella that was more recent. Do I tell him that she is staying over here or do I not? If I tell him and he arrives while she is still asleep he might misunderstand and beat the living life out of me. 

Personally I would like to die of old age so I decided to phone the one person who might be able to help me. I pull up Gaels' number before phoning it. He picked up just before it went to voicemail. I know for a fact that he isn't asleep since he is a very early riser.

"This better be good. You interrupted my morning coffee run." 

He sounded anything but happy. His voice was grumpily and agitation was very clearly heard. I made sure to whisper just to make sure that I didn't wake up sleeping beauty. 

"Well I need your advice. Daniella stayed over after the news of Vick and Reggie is looking for her."

"Why don't you tell him then it doesn't seem that hard unless.."

"Kai, who is that?" I looked down to see Daniella's beautiful blue eyes peering up at me. 

 The single sun beam hit her face in such a way that it only made her look like a goddess or maybe an angel. In other words it made her look hotter then she already is.

"Wait, is she lying with you? Oh dude you are in some deep shit." 

His laugh grew loud as I then heard a key being placed into the lock of my apartment. 

"Gael are you here?" He is getting coffee from the coffee shop across from my apartment. It is the only good one nearby. 

"Wait, is that Gael on the phone?" She lifted her head and her face was so close to mine. Close enough that I felt her breath, and I saw a shade of pink spread across her cheeks. She then laid back down on my chest away from my face. I think we were both very embarrassed from that whole brief situation.

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