Chapter 11

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I slowly blinked open my drowsy and now puffy eyes. The sight I saw made my heart swell and clench. I was cuddled up in Malachi's arms and a person was standing or rather leaning against the wall watching us. The whole reason I was here was because they thought that I killed Vick. It broke my heart to recollect the memories even briefly but knowing that they think I am capable of that shatters my already crushed heart. 

Kai was fast asleep since it was peaceful when I looked at his face. "Kai" I gently shake him. Trying to peacefully wake him up but he slept like a rock since he didn't even flinch. Oh well. I wiggled out of his grasp pretty easily since he wasn't holding onto me with an iron grip. I stood slowly making sure to watch the agent or whomever was in the room with us. They made no move to even try and approach me. I was grateful for that. "Good morning Ms.Guto." I hear the person say.

He was tall and well-built. I could see a small scar under his left eye along with a tattoo that was partially visible on his neck. Maybe he was ex-military, or he could be KMAD. "Whatever you want to ask, just ask away, but I don't want the scan right now. I will take it, just, I need to prepare a little bit." I sat down on one of the chairs as the man approached me slowly. Making sure that he didn't make any sudden movements.

He is experienced when it comes to dealing with people who have dealt with or witnessed a trauma. "Why was your DNA at the crime scene?" "I, we were taken hostage by these people. Some were in black masks, and others' faces were visible. Um'' 

All of a sudden the door swung open again and a different, younger female walked in. Her hair was long and braided in cornrows, and her skin was dark, to be more specific it was a russet or maybe chocolate colour. Her hair was a dark black colour with orange highlights. 

It was bold but made me feel a little bit more at ease. Either way, it looked pristine but, her sudden bursting in caused me to scoot back in my chair. "Sorry to interrupt but, I think that we might have a lead and Daniella might just be the key to it." What did she mean? "If it isn't too much to ask, could we take you to meet with our whole team in our conference room? We can wake up your boyfriend after."

"Oh no, he isn't my boyfriend. He is just Vicks' roommate. He was the one who managed to track me down when he heard about what happened." I turn back to look at Malachi still out like a light. "I will do it but if you don't mind could I have some actual clothes? Or at least a sweater." 

The outfit that they put me in for the test is uncomfortable. It made me feel like I wasn't worth anything especially since they forced me into it. 

"Of course." The orange and black-haired woman said. She took off her sweater and handed it to me. I slipped it on quickly and followed behind her as the other man followed behind us. It was a short walk but as we walked there I saw the same tech crew that forced me into the suit. It sent a wave of uneasiness but just as fast as I saw them we were turning into the conference room. 

In there I saw Agent Hannins, Renolds, Rit and Deluca. 

They were looking at files that were spread across the table and before anyone said anything something caught my eye. It was a picture with a symbol but it was upside down. "Do you see something, Daniella?" Hannins asked me. "Um, maybe, does anyone have a pen and piece of paper I can borrow?"

"Here." The man with the scar handed me a notepad and a pen. I don't know how helpful it would be but I was going to try and draw the mark that the one woman had. Not the one who was talking to me but, the one who laid the final blow on Vick.

I drew the small tattoo by memory onto the small notepad that he had passed me. It was the full image from the table since that one was only half. It wasn't quite perfect but it looked very accurate and familiar. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 04 ⏰

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