Chapter 5

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Words, words and more words. A whole library and not one book on the Fynix warrior's powers. Dang it. Might as well practice the breathing technique. Maybe I should try and contact Willow again. She might be able to help me figure out more about these powers. It might sound cliche or dumb but, with these powers, there are going to come with both dangers and privileges. If I don't know what those are, I can't predict or understand, which means that I may be putting myself in further danger that I could ultimately avoid. I walked through the hallways back to mine and Malachi's shared apartment. It was conveniently close. Our school on the other hand was on the other side of town.

I truly wish that we had gotten an apartment closer to our university but this, apartment, Malachi's apartment was the only one available at the time. After a few years, neither of us wanted to move to one closer since we were both very comfortable. That and we were conveniently close to the library. I walked in not seeing any trace of Kai this morning. So I made my way to my room before sitting and shutting my eyes. Now to try and communicate with- "Vick have you seen my textbook? The one about magic history." Putting a nail in my current mission to try and help Kai again. "Have you checked your room?" I got up and walked out to see Malachi checking our cupboard? "I have so many questions right now."

"I checked my room, my bag, your room, under the couch everywhere."

"So now you think that it is in our cupboards?"

"Well where else would it be?" I guarantee that I will be able to find this exact book in less than five minutes. I walked over to our very unorganized coffee table where multiple printed out news articles and assignments were laid out. "After we are both done with our classes today we should investigate this whole Fynix warriors thing. Since the library doesn't have anything, maybe there are some old articles at the school or the mail room." I piled everything up rather neatly. The mail in one spot and the articles and papers in the other and then there it sat. Malachi's missing textbook that he swore he looked hard for. "Hey Kai it is right here. It was under your pile of random stuff." He was at my side like the flash

"Holy cow. Thank you a bunch Vick. Um, I will help you investigate after I am done with classes I promise." He spun and ran out our door on his way to his class. Great minds do truly think alike I guess. Since we both have early morning classes. It was the best time for both of us since in the evenings we usually either goof off or have movie marathons. Often even study. I walked back into my room sitting down criss-cross applesauce on my bed once more. 

Breath in breath out. I repeated in my head. Over and over trying to once again communicate with Willow. Probably the best person to talk to since she is one of them. I continued to take some deep breaths trying to unhook from reality and tap into my inner mindscape or whatever spiritual place I was before. By before I mean the first time I did this. "Back so soon little Vickie?" I guess I made it.

"Yes and with questions." I turn to her to see her just floating like before. This time she was wearing a traditional dancing outfit from ancient Ello culture. It was very pretty but why would she be wearing it? "Take a picture, it will last longer. Now what can I do for your curious little mind?"

"Well I was wondering what threats and stuff come with these powers. Oh and what are the limitations? Do we have to practise more to expand our limitations and become more powerful? Or do we just have access to it all at once? Can-" I started rambling slightly nervous from her previous comment.

"First off let me explain these ones before you start spewing more." She floated down sitting beside me. "The most prominent threat is Moroc's followers and their Dentors. Now that you all have been chosen they will try to start hunting you down either killing you or turning you to their side." She looked sad like something similar had happened to her. "Second, the limitations depend on the element. With you, if you overuse your powers you will faint, since the air will feel like it is choking you. To raise your limitations you can train but it will take some time." She sat up "If you continue your training both here and in real life you should be ready to push your current limitations within a week give or take." 

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