Chapter 2

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"This was a very bad idea." I watched Vick gulp. Nervous. "We are lost." No, we aren't lost. "Vick we are not lost, we follow this trail there and then back." Reggie pointed at the trail ahead and then behind us. I am just surprised these two were speaking calmly. "Well maybe if we had just gone on a walk around town I would at least know how to get back!" I spoke too soon.

"Vick, you are a stickler for rules and a pussy." Reggie stopped in place, throwing his hands in the air. "Have a little fun, why don't you? Plus I think we all deserve to have some fun" Both brothers turned their eyes to me. "Especially after this week." Reggie finished. It was more challenging for me than them, I am the one who embarrassed myself in my AP class. "Can we just pretend that it never happened?" I walked past both of them following the small trail further, deeper into the forest.

The forest which we were specifically told to not enter after curfew. "See Kai gets what I am talking about, just stay close." As we got deeper there was an uneasy feeling which crept up into my very soul. Something that was telling me that we shouldn't be here, it was dangerous, it was just the thing to get my mind off of everything. I felt a genuine smile creep onto my face. "So how did the rest of your day hold up?" Vick ran up beside me to have a conversation as we kept trucking on.

"Well I completely screwed up history as you saw, I learned that there is a prince on campus or something." I sigh looking at him "Definitely not my finest day. Maybe tomorrow will be better."

"Hey don't worry about it. Okay. The history teacher and gym teacher are both total ass wipes." Reggie added his opinion to this conversation. Vick said something but I completely zoned out. Why do I feel like I am going to die? I heard something that shook my core. A growl. No evil hollering. I turned to look and try and find its direction only to see a pair of bright glowing scarlet eyes looking back at me through the trees. The longer I looked the more that showed up: the only possible answer, Dentors.

I snapped my head towards my best friends who were walking a few feet ahead of me still talking about teachers. The eyes grew larger meaning they were getting closer. I turned on my heels and ran at my friends. "Run, Run Dentors." I ran past them. We had no time to ask questions as we heard a large thud and a dead body was flung onto the ground five feet in front of us. It was the body of a girl in my class. Her name was Cici. Her eyes were gone. Removed, taken out. We all were frozen still till we heard the howl again and we all started to run down the trail faster. As we got deeper the feeling of imminent death got worse.

 "We need to hide." Vick was not athletic like Reggie or I. He was out of breath so his words were breathless and slightly slurred together. We all looked around silently before Reggie pointed at a nearby cave with rocks around it. "Okay let's go then." Vick was relieved we might have at least a small chance of survival.

Reggie was the first to make it to the cave, but on our way, Vick caught his arm on a nearby branch scratching it. So when we made it there the next priority was to try and stop the bleeding. We crawled to the back. Branches and rocks were littering the small crawl space. It was small which meant that we had to crawl on our hands and knees. Once we made it to the back it opened up enough for us to sit up and squat even.

 I leaned Back up against the back wall before assessing his arm. There was blood running down it. "Oh fuck." By Reggie's response, he obviously hadn't realized his brother was badly injured. "Is it that bad?" Vick said with a slight laugh to it.

"Always got to try and be the funny guy huh?" Reggie's eyes conveyed fear. I pulled my shirt off and pulled at it until it ripped. I created a very uneven band to tie around it. "Okay Vick this is going to hurt, but try and be quiet." I looked at Reggie and he went over to grab Vick's uninjured arm or hand to hold. Just tie it tight and secure. Think positively Kai, we will all survive this. I placed it behind his arm on his triceps with either end on the other side. 

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