Chapter 9

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Vick and Gael had left a few minutes ago and I decided to try and do something to stop my mind from wandering. I turned on their TV to see what was on or what they had recorded. There was nothing very interesting currently so I decided to browse through their recordings. 

It did not surprise me that there were natural documentaries and real life fact finders, what did surprise me was that the GRU was recorded. 53 episodes of it to be exact. I know for a fact that Vick hates that show so that means Kai watches it. I felt a smile form on my face, not many people like the old comedy, fantasy romance show.

 It would have to be at least fifty years old now. I am starting to like Malachi more and more. He recorded all the good episodes too. The one where Lily tells James that she is breaking up with him. The episode in which they defeat the villain and discover that Wendy's mother was the villain all along. Not one was a filler episode. He really does have good taste in TV. I played episode 82, The ghosts of the guilty. Grabbing the blanket from last night and getting comfortable to watch it. Half way through there was a knock at the door. 

Maybe it was a neighbour or maybe even a friend of theirs. "Coming, just give me a second." I got up and walked briskly over to the door, not bothering to peek through the peephole. "Hello, how can I help you?" A group of two men and a woman stood in front of me. All appeared to be in their late or early 30s. "This is Vick Gutos apartment correct?"

"Yes it was, now may I ask why you three are here, you don't seem to know Vick and if you were friends of Kai's you would have said his name."

"We are the KMAD, Vick's death seems to be connected to a string of dangerous black magic. We are here to investigate to see what might have made him a target."

"Well come in then. Anyone who is trying to figure out his death is always welcome." The woman stopped in front of me as the other two walked right in. "His room is down the hall to the left I think. Look for the room with all the fact finder books and posters."

"Miss, may I ask your name? You seem to have known the victim."

"Of course I know him, he is my cousin."

"So you are Daniella Guto?"

"Yep, that is me. Do you want anything? I am sure the guys have coffee or something."

"Well Miss Guto I am afraid that will not be necessary."

"Why not?"

"We need you to come down to the station to ask us some questions."

"Of course um, may I ask why? You know it has just been really hard and I have not been coping very well so far."

"Well we think that you might be able to help us crack this case wide open." I nodded and followed the woman out before being led to a fancy black SUV. "I don't think I got your name."

"Quinn Hannins."

"Well nice to meet you, Agent Hannins." Soon the two men who she was with also entered and then they started driving off. The vehicle was quiet but the silence was louder than any noise I could imagine. Soon enough we rolled up to the department and they walked me in. "Now Miss Guto we are going to place you into one of our interrogation rooms to talk to you." I nodded and followed them as they sat me down at a table before leaving me there by myself. Soon after a different set of people walked in. "Hello Miss. Guto. My name is Gavin Renolds and this is my college Haden Rit"

"Nice to meet you and please just call me Daniella. It would make me feel less weird."

"Well Daniella where were you last night around nine thirty?" I knew where I was. I was chained up and watching my cousin being tortured.

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