Chapter 6

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I was standing baking in the air conditioning that the tower had when I saw a girl with long blond hair run in. She looked so effortlessly beautiful, even with some of her hair sticking to her face from sweat. I watched as she grabbed her wallet out of her pocket and headed my way.

Just as fast as she enter, d she ran right into me.
Her head only ran into my chest due to her height. She looked panicked when she peered up at me, but that was quickly switched to one of inspiration or rather complete awe. A dust of pink spread across her cheeks. Cute. "You are looking a little red, Blondie." I had a smile on my face when she panicked.
She reached up and placed her hands on her cheeksI'm probablyly embarrassed. "Um , a I guess I am. Sorry for running into you." She bowed her head slightly. "Don't sweat . Byby the w, y my name is Malachi." I waved at her.

"Well nice to meet you Malachi, I'm Daniella. Could I get you a drink to maybe apologize for running straight into you?" She let out such contagious laughter that my smiles became wider, if that was even possible. Where has this girl been hiding all this time? When she laughed I saw her dimples showing. Her eyes were slightly closed as well. "That would be delightful." She walked past me and to the machine just behind me, causing me to spin on my heels following her every movement. "So what do you want?" Her head tilted back, something so innocent somehow became so cute, adorable and irresistible. This girl probably has no idea what she is doing.

I took a brief scan of the drinks, "How about Monica Berry water?" I watched as she put in the order for two Monica Berry waters and a fizzing berry soda. Does she struggle with sugar lows or is she stocking up? They popped out the bottom with a light bang sound. It was only loud enough to signal to us that it had come out. She handed me one of the bottles before I decided that it would be a good time to ask my question about her three drinks. "So why do you need two drinks? Sugar low?"
"No one is for my cousin Vick, he loves his fizzy sodas." It was like a light-bulb had gone off in my head. Could this be the infamous cousin of my roommate and his brother? "Vick as in Vick Guto?"

"Yep, that's him." I watch as she takes a sip of her water. I am honestly surprised such a kind looking person could be related to the two of them. I mean Vick is a genius but Dani is a klutz obviously. Then there is the fact that Reggie is known for his temper but she doesn't seem to be violent like him. Not as far as I can see. "Do you know him?"
"Ya I know em, he is my roommate." It looked as if she had been hit with an entire book filled with common sense or rather understanding. She stuck her finger out pointing at me. "You're Kai." I nodded before be both ended up laughing. We were laughing about our obvious idiocy.

""You know how much both your cousins talk about you. I should have known it was you." I watched as she leaned against the wall which was beside the machine, as we soon continued talking. "Right back at you."

Then her smile tuned to one of slight worry. "I got to go before Vick gets overly worried. Hope to see you soon, Kai."
"Same here. Hope to see you around Dali too." Did I really just call her Dali? She exited the building with some pep and confidence in her stance. I mean she definitely had the swagger.

Vick's cousin is beautiful. I watched as she ran out of the tower and her blonde hair flowed behind her. She is beautiful like a sunset on a mountain. I took a drink of my Monica Berry water that she had bought me. It seems to taste better knowing that I not only got it for free but from a beautiful woman. I love the two brothers but this moment makes me dislike them just a little bit. I ran to my next class on the magical history of the world.

Which I shared with my close friend Gael. Daniella would be on my mind for a while now. I mean who could just forget about someone with such kind eyes and a sweet voice. The class was short and within no time Gael and I were walking back to the base after our class. Magic history was interesting today to say the least. We were learning all about the traditional powers of Abrues. How their eyes can see the truth of intentions and auras. They were essentially human lie detectors, it was definitely cool to think about.

Key To DestructionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz