Chapter 3

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I woke up and my body felt hot, like I was being cooked like a giant Qui. It felt unnatural but not sickening. I peeled, my eyes opened and was hit with a bright light. The light was burning my eyes, so I squinted. They should invest in a dimmer or something. I placed my hand over my eyes to block it out. As I sat up I felt the soft material under my hands. 

Wasn't I on the ground? I bolted to an alert sitting position assessing my surroundings. I was in a plain blue room with just the bed I was sitting on and a small organizer against the wall beside the door. I was violently snapped out of my slightly calm matter. The realization of the previous events hit me. Where is Vick, Reggie and their friend Taylor?

I bolted to my feet. The feeling of dizziness was clear that I had stood up a bit too quickly, I dismissed the feeling though. Using the wall as a crutch I steadied myself, that way I wouldn't drop again. I had more pressing matters to deal with. 

Way more important matters to attend to. Saving my friends. Why do I feel like I am in a sauna? I don't even have my shirt on. How can I be feeling so hot? I wiped the seat off of my forehead. Once I was steady or as steady as possible I made my way towards the door a few steps away. It was an automatic door, which meant that it went flying open as soon as I got close. 

It was surprisingly silent for an auto door. Probably had some sort of silencer magic on it. First find Reggie then Taylor and then get both of them to get Vick. Then go to a doctor. I took a few steps out and then I heard laughter. Laughter that I would know absolutely anywhere.

Vick was laughing. Or at least it sounded like it. He was barely able to talk before. Wait, how long ago was it? How long was I asleep? Putting one step at a time I followed the sound of the laughter. The hallways to the source were slightly bare with some pictures of groups of people. It looked like six young adults, my best guess was my age or at least close to it. 

I mean I am not that old, just 24. The group consisted of different species, it was older though, it was evident from the wear and tear on the corners. As I looked closer I realized that one of them looked eerily similar. Like I have seen them recently. Kai this is no time to get distracted, you need to see what is going on. I reminded myself.

I went to the end of the hallway before rounding the corner to the left and seeing all of them. Gael, Reggie, Taylor and Vick. All of them perfectly fine, with elements around them? As I took a step further in I spotted two more people in the room. Wait he was from the picture in the hall. He was most likely a Zitzie. Their laughter stopped as Vick spotted me. 

"You finally woke up, it took you long enough." He walked over to me. I felt frozen in confusion and the drowsiness still present. "What...what is going on?" Confusion it's like a giant gust of fog or a cloud. Blocking any clear thoughts present. Which meant that my mind was foggy. My full thought process was well gone.

Everyone's eyes were on me like I was somehow made of flames or something. "Kai, I need you to stay extremely calm. That means do not freak out when I explain this. Vick held out his hand as a small little ball of wait a fucking second, hold on am I hallucinating? It appeared to be a ball of air. Surely I am imagining things. I rubbed my eyes, I was probably still deleterious. 

You know from fainting or whatever. But, as I opened my eyes once more I saw the same thing. Vick, who can't even use healing magic, is holding or creating I should say, a magic ball of air. "Before you ask, yes this is actually happening and I am not the only one." I immediately looked at Reggie as he held his hand, palm up. The sweat that was on his palms floating in the air. 

Clear as day they were sitting suspended mid air. I walked closer to examine the fact that my closest friends somehow can now use magic, without any incantation at all to boot. "How is this even possible?" This was making me question everything that I knew, that I was taught.

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