Chapter 4

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"Hello sister. How are you?" I looked at the blurred figure. His face not clear but blurred. It is always blurred. "I am good, when can I actually meet you? In person." I am not even sure if this is my biological brother. Or if he even exists. "Soon Eli, we will meet soon enough." He kissed my forehead, like everyone of the dreams. "I love you."

"Love you too."

Beep Beep Beep Beep. Once again my alarm pulled me from my deep slumber reminding me of my classes today. I really should change it to something less annoying or maybe take my classes in the afternoons on Mondays. It is my favourite class so at least it is enjoyable. The floor beneath me was frigid as always. It was a nice feeling, refreshing. 

Miles was probably asleep still I swear that boy could sleep through a hurricane. I rounded the corner into our shared kitchen. I placed my phone onto the counter top and went to get ready for the day. I grabbed some leftover pasta from last night placing it into my backpack along with a fork and my mobile holo computer. Biz zit My phone buzzed. Who would be messaging me at such an early hour? I grabbed it to see my roommates name pop up with a 

"Don't worry about me, I spent the night swimming and then stayed at a hotel for the night. Went out for a run will be back later." Thank goodness she is fine. I couldn't bear to lose someone else so soon. Another message popped up, this one more important. "Hey Dani, Vick was severely injured last night. He is fine though don't worry. Love you." It was from Reggie. What happened to Vick? Is he in the hospital. I immediately called his phone. There was no way I would be able to go to school with a clear continuous, I wouldn't be able to cook without being overly worried.

"Hey, Daniella what's up?" What does he mean 'whats up? Vick is injured and all he can say is 'what's up'? Is he serious.

"How is he? Is Vick in the hospital? What even happened? Is he still-" I was cut off by Reggie. "Vick is perfectly fine Daniella okay? He accidentally got injured while we were hanging out in the woods."

"Why the fuck were you hanging in the woods? You do know that there are Moroc's followers there right? They apparently killed a bunch of our peers. Hm did you know that!? What if you were killed?!? What if-"

"Dani breath please. We are all fine okay? Just relax, take a breath and listen to me. All of us are fine, Vick has a minor injury and we weren't attacked."

"But what if you had been huh Reg. I already lost my mom I can't lose either of you too!" Tears were dripping down my face. I was emotional, this was a serious thing. I heard a groan, it was probably Miles waking up, I was just yelling so it is not too surprising. Even though he sleeps like a rock if Taylor or I are yelling Miles wakes up immediately. It's like his superpower or something.

"You won't lose us got it? Now you need to get ready for class right? Vick will meet you like always I promise."

"Okay I love you and please never, ever do that again."

After making sure that Vick was fine I finally made it to my next class. My favourite class might I add, Cooking. I shared my station with a girl named Tami, she is the daughter of Duke Jiliion. Despite her fancy and high title she is humble, extremely humble. Since it is my morning class I usually make myself some breakfast in class. "Good morning Daniella."

"Good morning Tami"Tami is here. Finally I wonder what we will- what the heck? "Tami what happened to your hair?" Her usually long white hair was cut into a short bob. She cut off at least 12 inches. "Well it was bugging me so I cut it off during training yesterday." She laughs slightly. My face was probably morphed into a mix of sadness and confusion. 

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