chapter 8

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Me, Jackson, Lucy and Nolan were all helping out at a neighborhood block party. usually, i wouldn't mind but, today was my day off.

i'm livid.

But, knowing Grey, if i said no i'd be on strip search duty for a week.

"Should we be flattered that Sergeant Grey selected us to represent the department at this block party?" Nolan asked as all four of us began to set up a table.

"I think you're forgetting four key words: On our day off." Lucy said.

"I'll take it as a vote of confidence." Jackson said as he dumped out a bag of LAPD pins on the table.

"This is some great swag. Did you get this from Grey?" Nolan asked as he picked one up.

"never say that again." i said.

"I think Officer Above and Beyond bought those himself." Lucy said.

"Hey. I got a guy at Kinko's, okay? and y/n's right, never again." Jackson said.

"Mm-hmm." Lucy said.

Jackson then hands each of us a vase and began to put some flowers in them.

"All right, you guys make yourself useful and, uh, fill these up with water. I saw a hose in that side yard." Jackson said.

i scoffed "fuck you to then." i grumbled as i walked away.

we all walked to the side yard to find the hose to fill the vases.

"How you doing?" Nolan asked Lucy as we found the hose.

"Fine." she said.

"You want to talk about it?" Nolan asked hesitantly.

"There's nothing to talk about. So let's just focus on the work." she said as Nolan began to turn on the hose.

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't still mad." he said as he put the hose in her vase and turned it on.

"Do I look mad?" Lucy said and turned to me.

i looked away.

"No." Nolan said.

"Look, you're on the rebound from a 20-year marriage. This was never gonna be long-term. So let's just move on." she said and walked away.

i looked at Nolan as he just nodded his head no saying "i don't want to talk about it"

i nodded and we started to walk back to the street, passing by three kids sitting on the lawn.

"Is that your girlfriend? or is she your girlfriend?" one of the kids said looking me up and down.

"Hey, kids. Ever been tased?" Nolan said as we just walk away.

"Nice pins." Grey said as Me and Nolan got back to the table.

"Thank you, sir." Jackson said.

"This might be our only hope to lure those kids from LAFD." Grey said.

"All due respect, sir, they have a fire engine. To a 6-year-old, that's crack." Nolan said causing Grey to turn around to look at the FD, seeing kids over there with firefighter hats on and bubbles in the air.

"I am not gonna be shown up by some department that publishes shirtless calendars. West, Chen, let's get in the game".

they nodded and began to follow Grey who leads them over to the LAFD area where they began to hand out some buttons.

"Hey, Antonio. Here's a button."  i could hear Lucy say. i looked at Nolan seeing his smile slightly drop.

"Okay." Antonio said.

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