Chapter 14: Meeting The GodHead

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The thick black smoke bellowed across the ground of the tunnel floor as Bradley and the others walked down stairs in the dimly lit tunnel. The tunnel had old rickety wooden huts and bridges with moss growing on them. The buildings were surrounded by giant white mushrooms and pale underground vines that came down from the ceiling. Both glowed a dim white natural light. This gave the tunnel the vibe of a ghetto of a third world country at dawn. The air was thick with the smell of the burning pollen that the Slow Lilies had spread. The sound of the green roaring fire in the distance ahead. Eden and the others covered their faces with their shirts due to the smells intensity. As they walked down alley within the tunnel, they could see the emerald light from the wall of fire flickering off the walls ahead in the distance. The wood huts and bridges that were all throughout the tunnel went from the entrance to the midpoint leaving a gap lined with hover-trucks in rows that went as the buildings after this were more technologically advanced after that point. They had working lighting, a fresh coats of different colors of paint and actual locks.

"This would be were the current leaders base of operations is. They are trying to get the same passage into the valley we are thus gave set their base next to the Linux Valley entrance." Dume pointed to a purple fortification at the end of the tunnel with a great blazing wall behind it.

"This would be the entrance to Linux Valley. So who do we have to talk to to get in?" Bradley asked of Klume.

Klume pointed to an old Bluo man with the white hair and a beard. The man sat on a black boulder in area behind a green line on the ground, right in front of the great roaring wall of green fire. The old Bluo sat there with a black stone cane. He sweating a blue sweet that covered him like a second skin.

"They say he never say he never sleeps, he. Has been guarding the entrance for many generation. He lets no one in and I have seen no one come out. It's as if he supernaturally unyielding and needs no sustenance or any company. He probably hasn't even got up in years" Klume said.

"I can see that. He has Set on is well worn were he has rubbed against it. As if e has sat there long enough to have rubbed that spit smooth." Lenser offered.

"He sets there in wait for something. For what no one knows." Klume said as the group approach the the old man who sat on the black stone.

"It is a simple life of reflection and meditation it is. It is my final duty to only let the right ones in and forgo all others wish for passage." the man on the giant stone said.

"It sounds boring if you ask me." bradley offered.

"I as many have before me. Set here. I am the last one though. My clan has died out and I have no other wish to create offspring thus my last wish is to set here by the fire and fullfill my clans one and only goal in life.

Eden stepped up to a green line on the ground as the group followed her. the man got to his feet and bowed as if Eden were royalty itself.

"Mistress Eden. It is you. So many cycles have passed since you have blessed me with your presence. In theo end though, you are not yet ready to go through the firewall. I assure you though, the time will come when you are ready to face the trials that lay beyond. Until then mistress eden I beg you not to test y ability to fend off anyone even one such as yourself." the old man said and then bowed even lower.

"Yes, I get that, the way this is going i may never be ready in your eyes. You are wise and see the truth of all who pass this green line instantly. It would be unwise for me to persuade you to let us enter the valley/ the thing is though eventually I will need to see what is on the other side. It may mean the difference between having and a good benevolent leader and an evil goddess ruling over all the multi-verses," Meta Eden said as she approached the man who looked worried. As Eden stepped over the green line on the ground The old man Bluo Closed his eyes and put his hand to his head.

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