Chapter Eight: Crossing Eden... Deaths Attack

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The ship shook frequently now as what sounded like a bombardment was now going on outside. This didn't seem to bother Eden who seemed to have felt to physically sick to eat her bag of nuts and seeds. As she walked, Alkonost Valkyries ran around going to their stations any intruders that may come into the ship. As they bustled about and did their jobs, they seemed to preoccupied to notice Eden and Lense as they stuck as close to Gavel could. Eden kept an eye on Gavel with a face of worry as the two walked toward Wilka. Wilka seemed busy as the three come up behind her.

"I will not relent from my mission." Eden whispered as Wilka turned back from a nearby shop window holding two small jet packs. "It took me a while but I got them and just in time for you guys want to see the command bridge. Can't say that I blame you for wanting to see it. It's not often that you get to see the commander center of a hole fleet." Wilka stated as Lense grabbed and then handed the jet packs to the two. "I warn you though. Don't overuse them they only have so much power till the need a recharge. Which they do naturally on their own. It's kind of a rare feature but it's worth the extra cost." She said as Gavel and Eden both nodded.

"I'll try to keep that in mind. Note to self, jetpack has an hours worth of use till splat fall. Got it. Not sure that being a hole bunch of red jelly and meat junks sounds fun, so I will be watching the gauge cautiously just in case." Gavel said then giggled as he and Eden put on the jet packs and Wilka just nodded hoping that gavel got the idea. I worry about him. He seems to be an odd one if anything. This may get him killed If I am not careful. Wilka thought to herself.

After the group readied the ship itself shook causing someone nearby to fall over.

"The ship is under attack. So be careful and don't get in anybody's way. You may be jailed if you do and that will be nothing i can do about it if you do." Lense warned the two.

Gavel and Eden nodded and then the group took flight and headed to the highest point of the Alkinist ship after the reached the top the found a platform with control panels floating everywhere.

"These are particle control panels. They are used to control whether in the simulation. I wonder what they can be using them for." Gavel said.

"To control the ship of course. Well that and they can use them to use Ash Magic." Wilka pointed to an Alkonost controlling a some grey sand like substance in a nearby jar.

"What is Ash Magic. Gavel asked as eden and Gavel turned their jet packs off.

"You see those grey cubes the Alkonost wear. Those are Ashe Cubes. They are dense cubes of leftover burnt Disiaphur trees that can use or any Ashe in their vacinity as a weapon.

"Must be nanobots then. Can't say that the technology isn't a bit outdated now though" Gavel said as Eden rolled her eyes.

Why do you duobt magic so much. You seem to think you can explain everything through it. Gavel the universe has many mysteries but it's and many other forms of Doppler other than science. Why must you just think in terms of the one."Wilka said as she took offence.

"I guess it could be possible that magic exist but if it did I would just be another universes science that we haven't yet figured out. That's the facts as they are. Ake them or leave them. The quantum force known as Doppler is as well known and chaotically in order as it always will be." Gavel said.

Before Wilka could set Gavel straight on the facts the shaking of the ship happened again as alarms went off all over. "Warning Hull breach. Introducers detected. Action recommended." a voice said from the intercom system.

Look, it's that lady from earlier." Eden said pointing to Jamin who held a rather strange slightly golden glowing shotgun.

Gavel noted that Jamin sat in the captain's chair of the flat disk like command center that was anchored to the ceiling of the ship's ceiling. It was a wide disk that set about one hundred

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