Chapter Eleven: The Death Of A Friendship

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Eden and her traveling companions found themselves within a small encampment of purple makeshift buildings that lie on the other side of the black spot in space.the early morning due dripped off the building themselves that where divided by symbols relating to human zodiac signs in a neet row down the middle of the street. The encampment stood in contrast to the crumbling ruins of the city like a sore thumb. They stood out not only due to their newness but also there contrasting small campsite style design Eden stared at the spot in space and wondered if it could take her to the Eden mainframe if she just let it pull her in. she4 sighed as she stared into the void that pulled in light as well as all who gotr to close.

"You should take a picture while you are here. It may be one of the few times you see on of the Dark Holes themselves. It's one of many but most of them are blocked off from tourist due to how dangerous they are.." Lense offered as he startled Eden as she sat set on a brick low running wall nearby that had seen better days.

"It's a Dark Hole alright, a hole in space, literally. It is also extremely dangerous.that is true but i5t might be one that has the possibility of leading us to Edens Control room on the other side. We could go in and figure out if it is. The problem is with this being my only plan of action going forward is very obvious though." Eden said as Lense sat down near her. "It's not crossing the singularity that's problematic. It's just being sure of such things before I even try to cross that possible point of no return." Eden said as Lense handed her a green coffee mug filled with cooled.

"Ah, the very risk reward scenario everyone in my field that has worked this area has asked once at least. That is the money question. The one that begs us to cross. It's has tempted the minds of archaeologist and scientist for years because we would love to know, why would you humans build such a hole? What was so important to get to that you'd have to bore a hole in space time itself." Lense said as Eden nodded in recognition from one scientist to another "We've been asking every humans that we've come across but none can regale us with the tale. You humans have been dislocated from their homes but none of your kind seems to have the answer. It's a mystery to say the least." Lense said as Eden took the cup from his hand and stood up.

Eden got a serious look on her face as Lense looked at the black spot in space and eden said. "I am not so sure we built it, the hole in space that is. More like it fell in on itself after the Eden Mainframe started running and went to wherever it did doing whatever it decided to do from their. Either way. There is a eighty five point two three percent chance that the mainframe will be on the other side. Slim chances when you have such possible dangers on the other side but It must be so. I feel it makes the most since at least." The two quietly reflected on the situation at hand as they stare curiously into the void.

Lense turned his attention back to Eden who just sighed a odd sigh."So that's what was there. So why don't other humans know about it then. If the project was so big then why wasn't well known to everybody at least. If such a technology was being worked on wouldn't it be on al the news of your world alone." Lense asked of Eden. as Eden glanced at him and then back at the hole.

Eden got a real serious scowl on her face turned attention to Lence who looked surprised by Edens reaction. "Heck no, it was a secret project. If it leaked onto the news, there would be a thousand competitors that descend upon the idea itself and would try to copy our project itself. That would put us in a tight situation due to others having more resources than we did. It would start the next tech race. Almost as if we were racing to the moon or something." Eden sighed again and then drunk some of the cooled that lense had given her. "So the only people that knew about it were the technicians, the investors and maybe a odd shareholder or two. All were sworn to secrecy due to the fact that the Eden mainframe was supposed to be our sich a game changing technology. One that had unlimited applications due to its ability to simulate any technology or anything as if it were real instantaneously if it be possible to make within the laws of reality. Using very little resources to boot. Such as a universe such as this one." Eden got up walked toward the center of the encampment as Lense followed with a curious look on his face.

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