Part 8

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"Well if you've only just joined us, we have been discussing all morning the engagement of Prince Jeno and Princess Hanbyul!!"

"Congratulations on your engagement" chuckled Doyoung, as he sat down at the dinner table "how did that happen?"

"Mum and dad obviously" sighed Jeno, eating his breakfast "and I'm against it but they don't care"

"I am so sorry Jen" said Doyoung, putting his hand on Jeno's back in comfort "what can I do to help you?"

"Try and convince mum to not make me marry Hanbyul?" said Jeno "she's rude and hasn't apologised to me about Hyejin"

''What happened with Hyejin?" exclaimed Doyoung, his protective uncle mode coming through "is she ok?"

"Mum and Hanbyul were being rude to Hyejin" said Jeno "they said she wasn't important"

"Why am I not surprised that mum said that" sighed Doyoung "she never changes"

"By the way why are you here?" asked Jeno "I thought mum banned you from the castle"

"Nope, I walked right through those gates" said Doyoung "no problem"

"I guess mum isn't here to stop me"

"I wouldn't want to be here when she finds out" laughed Jeno "that will be very scary"

"I thought you wouldn't let her scare you anymore?" teased Doyoung "going back on your words are we?"

"Shut up" joked Jeno "where is your husband, I want him to take you away"

"He's too busy to listen to you stupid" laughed Doyoung "now where is my niece?"

"Uncle Do do!" yelled Hyejin, as she ran into the dining room "You're here!"

"Hello my darling!" exclaimed Doyoung hugging Hyejin tightly "how are you? has your father done anything stupid?"

"No but he met a pretty librarian!" said Hyejin "his name is Jaemin but I call him Nana"

"Who is this Jaemin?" asked Doyoung, looking at Jeno who was avoiding eye contact "And why are you smiling so big?"

"Dada and Jaemin talked a lot when we were at the library" said Hyejin "they looked cute"

"Oh? so why don't you marry this Jaemin instead of Hanbyul?" teased Doyoung "that'll save you from a lifetime of unhappiness"

"I can't do that" said Jeno "we only just met yesterday"

"You only met who yesterday?" Jeno turned to see his best friends walk in, causing him to sigh deeply.

"Have you guys met this Jaemin?" asked Doyoung "do you know why he's smiling at the mention of his name?"

"Oh, he's smiling because of Jaemin?" teased Renjun "love at first sight I see?"

"Shut up no it isnt" said Jeno "im smiling because he's a nice friend"

"That what I kept saying to myself about Taeyong and now we're married" scoffed Doyoung "let's get the facts in check shall we?"

"There are no facts" said Jeno "end of story"

"You are insufferable" sighed Donghyuck "this is why you're single"

"Oh I know!" exclaimed Doyoung "why don't we invite him to the Royal ball next week?"

"and that way I can meet this Jaemin and see how Jen really acts around him"

"Oh yes please!" cheered Jisung "this will be very interesting"

"Fine invite him" said Jeno "but you'll see we're just friends"

"Also can you give him two invites? he has a best friend who probably will also want to go"

"Done" said Doyoung "I never say this but im looking forward to the Royal ball"

"Me too" agreed Mark "but I bet Jen's more excited"

"Shut up" said Jeno, taking his daughter's hand "come on hyejinnie, let's go out for a walk"

"But I want to talk more about Nana!" cried Hyejin, as she and Jeno walked towards the backdoor "uncles, if you stop dad I'll give you nana's number!"

"And how will you do that?" asked Renjun, frowning at his niece who was halfway out the door as she held her father's phone in her other hand "oh like that"

"Prince Jeno, Queen Sarang has urgently requested your presence" said the queens assistant "please follow me"

"Can it wait?" asked Jeno "I'm going for a walk with my daughter"

"No" said the queen's assistant, as he grabbed Jeno's hand "it can't"

"Bye Hyejinnie, please behave for your uncles!" called Jeno,a s he was being dragged away "alright im coming"

"That was good timing" said Hyejin, as she handed Doyoung her father's phone "Now the fun begins"

"Let's do this"

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