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"Okay. You got yourself a date, now what?" I whispered under my breath when Cheyenne drove off the Pamoja premises and I had the chance to really think about how I'd just spontaneously invited her on a lunch date.

Well... Maybe it wasn't really a date. But part of me wanted it to be. I'd been divorced for about two years and hadn't even been slightly interested in women between getting over Tendai, advancing my career and raising my child to my best ability.

Something about Cheyenne had captured me, and it wasn't just her looks. Sure, she was gorgeous, but there was more to her than that. During our short conversation after the meeting we'd had with the nurses today, I'd already found out that under that hard shell and those unreadable eyes was a sensitive, yet witty woman who just needed to loosen up a little. There were layers to the enigma, and I was interested in seeing them all fall away to reveal the woman that lay behind the walls she'd put up.

"Is this some kind of hero's complex? Are you trying to save her?" I wondered out loud to myself, checking my schedule to see what duties I had to cover before lunch. "No, man. She's more than whatever is troubling her. You're just interested in finding out what the more is."

"Dr. mujulizi," Nurse Brenda said as she slid into a chair, her cheeks growing from the smile she had on her face. "It's not really a good idea to talk to oneself in a place like this, you know? You could get misdiagnosed very easily."

"You weren't supposed to see that." I laughed, putting the tablet back down on her desk. "I see here I have no official duties before lunch. Would it be an issue if I left an hour early?"

I wasn't about to head over to Cheyenne's place with scrubs on. That would be such a loser move. I was many things, but loser definitely wasn't one of them. I flashed Nurse Brenda a smile and she knowingly smirked at me, asking, "Do you plan on working off that hour? Maybe staying an hour longer after your shift ends?"

"Sure." I said with a shrug. "That way, there will be no deception in my absence."

"Alright." she smiled. "Go ahead and clock yourself out, doctor."

I thanked her and got on the road so quickly, wanting to take a shower before I changed into casual clothes to go and meet her. By the time the clock struck eleven-thirty, I was dressed in a white muscle shirt and jeans. I put on a green and white button-down shirt, leaving the buttons undone. I'd finished the look off with a white cap and sneakers, a chain around my neck and a pricey watch to match my pricey cologne. I was definitely aiming to impress.


"Hi." I smiled after driving through the boom gate at the Sungardens Estate, my eyes trailing the light grey knee-length summer dress Cheyenne changed into since I last saw her hours earlier. By the looks of things, I wasn't the only one aiming to impress.

"Hi," she returned, completing the sign-in process and accepting the parking card the security guard held out to her.

As she slid into the passenger seat of my car, I watched in a daze as the grey dress hiked up her  thighs, the dewiness of her skin making me hold tighter to the steering wheel. Every other time I'd seen her, she'd been in a dress or skirt that exposed only her toes clad in flat sandals and painted a shiny white. Legs and thighs were uncharted territory, and I was losing my mind at the sight. Yeah, we're going to have to keep our eyes on her face.

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