Chapter 8

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Dylan texts Cayden.

Dylan: Can we talk about our fight, please?

Cayden: Yeah I guess meet me in the courtyard.

Dylan: Okay.

End of texts.


Dylan: So you wanna talk about what that was before or what?

Cayden: I am sorry I just ugh I want you to trust me.

Dylan: I do trust you I am processing things.

Cayden: What happened?

Dylan: I haven't talked to my parents since we started school. 

Cayden: Why what happened?

Dylan: I came out of them and they disowned me.

Cayden: What really?

Dylan: Yeah.

Cayden: Why didn't you tell me?

Dylan: I just didn't know how and it didn't matter.

Cayden: I would have been there for you. 

Dylan: I  know that I just didn't know what was going through my head 

Cayden: I am your boyfriend I am here for you.

Dylan: I know that babe

Cayden: I am sorry. 

Dylan: It's okay. (kisses him)

Cayden: We should be able to trust each other. 

Dylan: Yeah I promise from now on when something is bothering me I will talk to you about it.

Cayden: The same goes for me.

Dylan's point of view. 

Every couple has their share of issues, and we were no exception. Our first fight was a bit of a shock to the system, but looking back on it now, we realize that it was just the beginning of a long and challenging journey ahead. Even though we were new to the whole relationship game, we handled the situation pretty well. We were both willing to listen to each other's concerns and work towards a resolution. It wasn't easy, but we managed to find a way to move past the issue and come out stronger on the other side. Of course, we knew that this was just the first of many fights we would have as a couple. We both have our personalities, opinions, and ways of doing things, so it's only natural that we would have disagreements from time to time. But we were committed to working through these challenges together, no matter what. Looking back on that first fight now, we can see how much we've grown as a couple. We've learned how to communicate better, how to compromise, and how to be more patient with each other. We know that there will be more fights in the future, but we're ready for them. We know that no matter what happens, we'll be able to face it together and come out even stronger on the other side.

Couple's movie night group chat.

Nick: What the fuck is this?

Cayden: Who made this?

Dylan: I did we have a couples movie night!

Jake: I am so done with this!

Cayden: Okay but why did we need a separate group chat from the main one?

Dylan: Because it's fun!

Cayden: Why am I dating you?

Dylan: Because you think I am cute!

Nick: When are we doing this? 

Dylan: Friday night?

Jake: I am down!

Couples movie night Friday night!

Dylan's point of view.

We had a great time during movie night. Both couples ended up making out during the movie, which was fine. It felt like this could become a new tradition for the rest of the semester. As the Fall semester was coming to a close, everything was slowly winding down, and that meant finals would soon be coming up. We would all be stressing out and not really able to hang out, so this was just a nice little break for all of us. We got to hang out, catch up, and just enjoy being a group of friends.

General point of view.

Finals were here and the level of stress was now heavy the boys were studying hard and barely had seen each other but now it's time for their theater finals which meant they would see each other a little bit more often working on a group project. The air around  Dylan and Cayden the boys was thick with tension as they huddled together on the worn-out couch, surrounded by textbooks, notes, and empty coffee cups. The couple, both college students in their final year, were in the midst of the dreaded finals week. Dylan ran his fingers through his hair, looking at the clock on the wall. "Man, I can't believe we're almost at the finish line. But these finals are kicking my ass."  Cayden nodded, his laptop open on his lap. "Tell me about it. I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of deadlines and exams. And we still have that group project due on Friday." Dylan sighed, "I don't know how we let ourselves get into this mess. Maybe we should have started studying earlier." Cayden chuckled, "Oh, please. We've been juggling work, classes, and our personal lives. We're doing the best we can." Dylan leaned in and kissed Cayden on the forehead. "You're right. We got this. We just need to stay focused and power through."

The dorm room echoed with the sounds of frantic typing, highlighting, and occasionally frustrated sighs. The couple took short breaks to encourage each other, sharing snacks and words of support. As the night deepened, Dylan's eyes were fixed on his laptop screen. "I swear, if I have to read one more article on Anything that has to do with the great depression, I might go crazy." Cayden chuckled, "I feel the same way about photo blogs. But hey, at least we're suffering together." Dylan grinned, "Yeah, we make even finals week bearable. Imagine doing all of this alone." Cayden nodded, "No way. I'm glad we have each other. It makes the stress a little more manageable." With determination in their eyes, Dylan and Cayden pushed through the night, fueled by caffeine and each other's presence. They quizzed each other, exchanged notes, and provided moral support when needed. As dawn broke, signaling a new day, they found themselves finishing the last of their assignments. Exhausted but triumphant, Dylan turned to Cayden and said, "We did it. We survived finals week." Cayden yawned, "Barely, but yeah, we did. Now we just have to tackle that group project." Dylan chuckled, "One thing at a time, my love. Let's take a short nap, and then we'll conquer the world, or at least that project." Wrapped in each other's arms, they drifted into a brief, much-needed sleep, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they had each other to lean on.

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