secret identity

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Angela's POV
Ruben took me to the beach,we sat by the edge of a cliff with the ocean beneath us.I loved the cool breeze.

Ruben: feeling better?
Ruben: good.
Angela;all my life I sacrificed for him,I abandoned many of my friends.I clean the house daily,I barely fought with him,all I wanted was to make him happy.We have been married for five years.Do you think it's because I went against him and worked?

Ruben: never.You should have never sacrificed your dreams for him, he is a selfish bastard.People as selfish as him deserve hell.
Angela: I feel so stupid.(I couldn't help but cry,he held me by the face)

Ruben:listen to me,you are not stupid,you are strong and am going to help you see that.okay.
Angela: okay,why are you helping me?
Ruben:you are client after all.

(I felt bumped when he said that, and I didn't know why)
Angela:you take your job seriously then.

He noded,we just sat there until I fell asleep.

Rubens POV
Watching her asleep on my shoulder was so heartwarming.The moment she walked into my office,I felt it .I don't know how but I just did.

I couldn't let her go ever, and hearing her talk drew me in more.I Don't know if it was because of her innocence,or her kind smile.

She was everything I was not,an angel.I Maybe a therapist but in the shadows I was the Don of the Mexican mafia.

My mom and dad fell in love at a young age,but my dad was next in line as the head of the mafia

He was throwned into an arranged marriage causing my mom to leave his absent ass.She later found out that she was pregnant with me.

My dad visited us sometimes but we barely communicated, because all he wanted was for me to get trained as next in line.

I wanted to be a therapist like my late mama.She married my stepfather after a year of having me.

At age seven,mama passed in a car accident.My step father was more of a father to me than my own father.

My father cried at my Mama's funeral.That was the only time I saw him vulnerable.He took me away from my step father to train me.

Here I was,a cold blooded killer.

I wanted to kill Albert.I tried to contain my anger when Angela spoke of him.I immediately knew he was cheating on her.

I was bumped when I heard she was married, not because I couldn't have her, no,but because her poor husband was going to get divorced or killed.

But hearing that he cheated, definitely killed.I had already informed my men to beat him up,I couldn't kill him now,not when Angela was hurting.

It would just hurt her more.I needed to make her happy and I would, that's why I came here.

It was just coincidence that it was my hometown Mexico.I was on a mission to make her happy, and I would make her mine

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