what I want

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Ruben's POV
Ruben: I am a therapist so I deal with alot of girls, that's what I meant.But with you,I don't need therapy to see what you want, your eyes tells it all.You want to be loved Angela, I can do that but not now, because you need to heal from your husband's betrayal.

Angela:am not sure I can love again.
Ruben:then why did you kiss back?(she became silent) I know you love me Angela,you are just scared of getting your heart brokened.Its very understandable.But I want you to know that you are in safe hands

Angela:albeit said the same, now look we are.
Ruben:you forgot something,am not Albert .
(She stayed silent.)

I can never be like that piece of trash.I have only been in one relationship.She was killed by my enemies.After her death,I turned to sleeping with women to cope.

I never cheated on them because I made sure that they knew that this was only sexual and nothing else.

But as for Albert,he lied to her and promised to love and stayed faithful to her.He lied to her and broke her heart.He is a scum.My angel deserves better.

Am no saint but atleast am better than that cheating bastard.I may be the devil but this devil is in semi retirement.I partially retired after killing my enemies who killed my first love.

Meeting Angela,I am ready to retire .First loves are unforgettable but I don't know why what I feel for Angela is stronger than my first love.
I am willing to do everything for her.

Angela's POV
I came back to mine and Albert's house.This house belonged to us both but I didn't want to stay in it anymore.
I wanted to move away because it reminded me too much of the broken promises.

Albert came home that night.
Albert:wow Angela,I didn't expect you to be here.
Angela: what ,you wanted to spend time with your mistress in my house.
Albert:oh no dear(he sat beside me.)dear, what you heard yesterday..

Angela:was exactly what you are,a manipulative cheating bastard.I fell for your trick twice  but never again Albert.
Albert: please don't be like this.
Angela:no you don't be like this,you cheated on me,you hurt me.

Albert: I didn't mean to, that is why I kept it from you.
Angela: so you were planning on cheating behind my back until the end!
Albert:I love you Angela.
Angela:you don't love me enough to stay faithful to me.

Albert:I didn't mean to fall for Sofia,it just happened.
Angela:liar, because what were you a married man doing with Sofia?
Albert:I...(he had nothing to say)

Angela: I know you Albert,you went looking for her,you did the same at the beginning of our relationship,you nearly cheated on me but I forgave you.You went back to your old ways.Fine be like that and I will be myself, which far away from you.

Albert: please don't leave me.
Angela: that's what you want, what I want is a divorce and I will get it.

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