New start indeed

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Sofia's POV
Albert:why didn't you do anything!
Sofia: what was I supposed to do,he had a gun.(Albert sat down shedding silent tears,as pathetic as he looked,his tears broke my heart)

Falling for him had made me weak.In a way,I was relieved that Angela was out of his life.Albert and I could live our lives together.I am not a family woman but it would be nicer to start a family.

One kid,a daughter just like me was enough.I hugged Albert.
Albert: she is gone,Angela is gone
Sofia: everything is going to be alright,I promise.

Days passed as I tried my best to comfort him.I moved in with him.I realised the house was getting dirty,I didn't want anyone around us and I wanted to show Albert that I loved him so I started cleaning it myself.

This was temporary,I was not going to be some useless housewife.After he gets better,we are hiring a maid.
It worked,he was warming up to me. 

Tonight I made him his favorite dinner.
Albert: Sofia,I know you are not the cleaning or cooking type but you did it for me.You wanted me happy and you did.I couldn't love you any less ,Angela..

Sofia: don't speak of her,you will hurt more.
Albert: I want you to help me forget her.
Sofia: offcourse I will,that woman is nothing compared to me.
Albert:right.I was hoping we could get married.

(My jaw dropped.marraige? To be the wife?I was rather the mistress not the wife but seeing how much I love him,I couldn't help but consider it .)

Sofia: one step at a time
Albert: I know you aren't the marraige type,but with how much we loved each other, maybe we can try.
Sofia:I will think about it(I smiled.)

The next day,I was on the phone trying to get a maid but to no success.
Albert: who were you talking to?
Sofia: I was looking for a maid.
Albert:why ,you are already doing the house chores.

Sofia:well that's not my duty.
Albert:then that means you don't love me enough.Angela used to do this because she loved me, besides it was her duty as my wife and it will be yours once we get married.

Sofia: I didn't sign up for this.
Albert: it's okay, I understand if you don't want to marry me.
Sofia: I do but this isn't me.
Albert:but can't you change for me? do you love yourself more?I am dropping all of my desires to be with only you.

Sofia: okay.(he smiled at me.Since he pledged to stay faithful to only me,why not.)

This was going to be hard but we all had to sacrifice.
A month later we got married in the most luxurious weddings possible,yet we didn't have a maid.

Albert was this old school caveman who wanted a house wife.I tried to ingnore that fact and enjoyed my honeymoon with him.

A month later I was exhausted from all the house work.

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