Chapter 35

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In Which, Despite Everything, Nothing Changes

If Ivan had proposed ending the act of being ex's sooner, back when it began, Alfred would have happily agreed. But it had already been almost two months, and Alfred had finally gotten over the looks and whispered and rumours, and things were pretty much normal again to him. In that case, Alfred didn't see why he should go along with Ivan, especially when the situation clearly made Ivan uncomfortable, which Alfred quite enjoyed. So when Alfred started spreading rumours at school the following day, he wasn't doing it by mistake, like he usually did. He was doing it as a planned prank instead. 

Since Gilbert was the close friend of one of the biggest gossips in school, and since Gilbert loved the idea of messing with Ivan (though he did give Alfred a strange look when he heard the request), it wasn't hard to start new rumours circulating. If Alfred had asked pretty much anyone (other than Gilbert) if his plan was a good idea, they would have advised against it. Kiku would have given Alfred an uncomfortable look and suggested he try something way tamer-like just writing Ivan a love letter. Mattias would have told Alfred to keep his gross love affairs to himself, and Michelle would have pulled Alfred aside to give him a quiet lecture with other, less... Alfred-like...ways to get Ivan's attention.

Of course, even if he'd asked, Alfred still would have ended up ignoring the advice given, since -unlike what everyone thought- he wasn't actually in love with Ivan. Besides, Alfred really wanted to see how Ivan's smile would twitch when he heard the rumours. Alfred was having difficulty hiding his own smirk when Ivan cornered him in between classes, glowering over his icy beam, and demanded of Alfred in a chilling tone;

"Alfred? Why is my good friend Yao offering me medicine for lovesickness?"

The words gave Alfred a feeling of Deja vu, but unlike last time, Mathew wasn't there to scare Ivan off, and Alfred wasn't trying to hide anything. Instead, Alfred smirked slyly at Ivan.

"I wonder?" Alfred said, not sounding at all innocent, then he pretended to think for a moment and come to a conclusion. "Ah! Is it because you are desperately in love with me?"

Ivan stared, his smile twitching on the verge of turning down into a frown, and Alfred felt triumphant already. This was what all the planning for this prank was set up for, this very moment.

"Alfred... ​​​​​​"

Ivan warned, and Alfred blinked and gave Ivan what he assumed was an innocent look, but was closer to the sneer a crying child might give his scolded sibling behind his mother's back.

"What?" Alfred asked innocently, "You didn't hear the rumours?"

Ivan's smile turned into a flat line, a new expression that Alfred hadn't seen before on Ivan, which only added to Alfred's delight. He wondered if Ivan was going to hit him again. Not that he'd mind, in fact, he was already thinking of ways to use it against Ivan, and besides that, despite his big form, Ivan wasn't the type to hit. Alfred looked even cockier than normal to Ivan, which was really, incredibly cocky, since Alfred always seemed somewhat obnoxious in Ivan's eyes. Ivan took a deep breath, and released it in a sigh, his eyes cold. 

"I will make you pay for this. And the magazines." 

Alfred, who had forgotten about that particular prank, lit up at the mention, wondering if Ivan's red face the other day had to do with the fact his sister was visiting and had possibly seen he magazine's Alfred had ordered to Ivan's house. But Alfred didn't admit anything, only smiled devilishly and said, 

"What magazines?" 

Ivan wasn't buying it.

"I know it was you. Just wait, Alfred."

Then, without another word, Ivan stormed off in an icy mood, and Alfred collapsed into laughter.

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