Chapter 58

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In Which Alfred Accepts His Feelings

Alfred was satisfied to note that Gilbert seemed as disturbed by Alfred's feelings as Alfred was. And Gilbert was concerned, but not for the same reasons Alfred was. Alfred was staring expectantly at Gilbert, so Gilbert carefully responded. 

"You think you like Ivan?"

Again, Alfred nodded. Gilbert pressed for more. 

"Your fiancé, Ivan?"

Alfred frowned. 

"We're not actually engaged yet." 

By which he meant, of course, that they were not engaged, but Ivan's sisters might try to change that. What it sounded like to Gilbert, however, was that they intended to get engaged, and Alfred just hadn't proposed yet. Gilbert was trying very hard to be understanding. 

"Ivan, the guy you text all the time, always grin like a maniac whenever you see him, talk about him non-stop and visit him more than you visit me, the one who you are litterally dating right now? That Ivan?"

Alfred was beginning to get a little annoyed, both because of Gilbert's wierd reaction, and because he was realizing Gilbert was right. Of course, the reason he texted Ivan all the time was to annoy him, the reason he grinned whenever he saw Ivan was at the prospect of annoying him, and wasn't it natural to talk about Ivan when Ivan was what Alfred chose to ideas the root of all his problems? As for why he was dating Ivan, Gilbert knew the reasons behind that, so Alfred didn't know why Gilbert was bringing that up. 


Gilbert stopped trying to stay calm. 

"Of course you like him! It's so obvious!" 

Alfred flinched, not at Gilbert's sudden shouting (he was used to that, Gilbert was a loud type of person) but because Gilbert had just confirmed what he had been afraid of. The truth Alfred was denying for years was finally staring him in the face. The reason he liked to annoy Ivan so much, and wanted to see all Ivan's different expressions, the reason he got so mad when the Siberian kid had upset Ivan with a dead bird, and the reason he was always looking for Ivan with some bad excuse, Alfred wasn't able to deny any of it anymore. He liked Ivan. In the face of such distressing knowledge, there was really only one thing he could say. 


Sensing that the situation was about to become at least three times as annoying, Gilbert could only agree with Alfred. 


The situation was worsened by the sudden arrival of Toris, being towed by Feliks, and looking very apologetic for seeking out their somewhat secluded corner and interrupting what seemed like an important conversation. Feliks, constrastingly, did not look bothered at all. 

"Hey, Alfred, your boyfriend is looking for you. Something about a picture and calling the police?" 

Alfred paled, and Toris scolded Feliks. 


"Ah, my bad. I meant your fiancé is looking for you." 

Alfred nodded jerkily, and Toris considerately hauled Feliks away before the gossip got to ask Alfred about the rumours about him and Gilbert, which both parties remained ever ignorant of what they were saved from. Unfortunately for Gilbert, Alfred was wearing his thinking face, which was never a good sign.

"Whatever it is, don't do it!" 

Gilbert demanded, then winced at how similar he sounded to his brother. Then he went into high alert when he saw Alfred's face. Alfred was sporting a look of understanding and determination, which from Gilbert's experience, usually meant Alfred had no idea what was happening and definitely had the wrong idea in his head. Alfred spoke with determination. 

"I need to go see Ivan."

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