Chapter 63

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In Which Francis Is Done Helping Alfred, So Arthur Tries

"Hide me!"

Francis dove behind his friend Antonio and pushed him in front of him as a sheild. Arthur gave him a look with a raised eyebrow.

"What did you do this time, idiot?"

Since this was Arthur's usual reaction, and because he was too flustered, Francis didn't even snap back, nervously peering over Antonio's shoulder as he answered.

"It's Alfred! 'e will not stop coming to me for relationship advice!"

Arthur's brows raised higher.

"Alfred? Is listening to you? Alfred? Listening?"

Since Alfred wasn't prone to listening to anyone, let alone Francis, Arthur was dumbstruck. He was more dumbstruck that Alfred was thinking to ask for advice. How smitten was his brother? Francis was more interested in hiding, while Antonio continued to provide somewhat bemused cover. 

"Oui! And 'e won't leave me alone! Look at this! I must 'Ave a 'undred texts from 'im! 

Francis displayed his phone to Arthur, which did have a considerable amount of texts from Alfred, with a dismayed face. Arthur, still reeling from the shock that his brother knew how to listen, responded somewhat dazedly. 

"Shouldn't you be happy he's asking you for advice? Aren't you called a "cupid" for a reason? "

Francis gave Arthur a deep look and answered tiredly. 

"Oui, but Alfred is—pardon-moi—an idiot!"

"Hey." Arthur warned, mostly because he was an older brother and felt he should, not because he didn't agree, which he did, full-heartedly. Then, Hesitantly, he added on, "Why? What's wrong? Are they fighting again?" 

Here Francis clammed up. It was his policy to never discuss another's love issues, even with his closest friends. That's why people trusted him to ask for help, and Francis didn't want to lose that trust. Besides, Gilbert had made him swear secrecy when he explained the situation, which had shocked even Francis, the so-called "cupid", who had personally believed they had started dating about a year before the "Ex's" scandal surfaced, the day that Ivan and Alfred had mysteriously disappeared during Arthur's birthday party, and had both come back red-faced and refusing to look at each other. 

If course, that was because they had been arguing, and had succeeded in pissing each other off so much they were red-faced and speechless, though Alfred hadn't bothered to share that part with Francis. Still, Francis refused to say a word. He was a man of his word,and kept his promises. Arthur sighed at his face. 

"Really? I can't believe -" 

He was cut off by a loud and familiar voice. 


Francis yelped and ducked down into a ball at Antonio's feet, and amusedly, Antonio moved his bag to better block Francis from view. Alfred, who had been stalking out their college to harass Francis once he showed up, came running over to the door where Arthur was. 

"Artie! Have you seen Francis? I have something to ask him." 

Arthur crooked one eyebrow and flicked his eyes to where Francis was hiding, then back to Alfred, considering the pros of getting the entertainment of watching Francis struggle and bluster if he gave him up, vs the pros of not doing so. Deciding that he could likely wring the issue from Alfred if given the chance, Arthur graciously chose to respect his "friend" and his wishes, and primly lied to Alfred's face. 

"You just missed him. What's this about? Perhaps I can give you some advice?" 

Normally, Alfred would never accept this,since he thought Arthur's advice was "stupid" and "boring" most of the time, but in this particular case, he was desperate enough to accept it, so he blurted out the issue. 

"How do I break up with Ivan!"

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