Chapter 65

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In Which Alfred Plans his Proposal - Unknowingly

"Hey Alfred!"

Soo Young bounced over to Alfred's table at the cafeteria, holding a notepad and and pen.


Alfred greeted, not at all disturbed by the sudden appearance of a freshman, since Alfred was used to getting spoken to by people of all years due to his popularity, and also because Soo Young was Alfred's friend Kiku's younger brother. Kiku was a second year, but often hung out with his friends in the freshman class, so Alfred just assumed he'd asked Soo Young to deliver a message. In fact, Alfred was feeling quite pleased because a lot of people had been talking to him today.

Alfred was originally a social butterfly, so this past time where people had felt awkward and avoided him was actually upsetting to Alfred, so he was feeling quite amicable and excited at the unexpected influx in people coming to chat with him. So much so, that he actually didn't care or notice that they were all asking the same sort of things. Soo Young got straight to the point.

"What's your ideal proposal?"

Alfred hadn't really thought about what his ideal way to be proposed to was, seeing as he always figured he'd be doing the proposal, so he considered for a moment. Of course, Soo Young had been asking what Alfred's ideal way to propose was, not what his ideal way to be proposed was, but since neither of them realized their was a misunderstanding, nothing was corrected.

Since Alfred wasn't really interested in someone other than Ivan, and doubted Ivan was going to propose anytime soon, Alfred decided he'd rather not have a public one, or it would be hard for him to reject the poor person proposing. In the unlikely scenario that Ivan did propose, somewhere in the far off future, Alfred tried to picture it. He decided he quite liked the idea of Ivan kneeling in front of him, since it would definitely feel like he'd finally beaten Ivan, but he definitely wouldn't want a fancy or expensive ring, since it would get scratched or in the way of playing video games or sports, or just be heavy and annoying. 

After a moment of heavy consideration, Alfred gave a short response.

"I guess private, down on one knee, not too expensive a ring? I dunno?" 

Since it was a situation that Alfred knew would never happen, he didn't give too much thought to it, nor pay attention to the fact Soo Young was noting everything down in his notebook, distracted by the sudden appearance of Toris and Feliks. Having heard the last bit about a ring, Feliks chimed in with a gleam in his eyes, ready to scout for more information. 

"Speaking of rings, did you get Ivan one? I can totally help you pick one out if you want, I have great fashion sense." 

Alfred made a face, remembering that Ivan was currently still his fiance, having consistently refused to break up with Alfred. Feliks, interpreting the look as dismay for not having a ring, brightened further with a cheer. 

"No way! Tomorrow, after school, Tori's and I will totally help you pick one out! It can't be today, I'm hanging out with Felicianio."

"Wha- Feliks?" Toris managed to get a word in for the first time, "But I was going to ask Natalya to hang out tomorrow!" 

Feliks eyes gleamed at the idea. 

"Good Idea! Invite her too, she might know Ivan's taste. Seeya tomorrow Alfred!" 

And suddenly, with our Alfred's consent, or even understanding, he had plans to pick out a ring for Ivan.

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