Chapter 57

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In Which Something Unexpected Happens

Alfred's rusty brain began to turn like stiff gears.  How have would feel if Ivan suddenly went missing, was supposed kidnapped, then showed up sick? After a moment of contemplation, Alfred decided that he'd first feel annoyed, then pity for the supposed Kidnappers (he figured they'd probably release Ivan pretty quickly after being on the receiving end of Ivan's sharp tongue and icy beams for a while), then probably.... Alfred frowned, picturing a rare version of sick Ivan.

He had only seen Ivan sick once, two years ago, when Ivan insisted on coming to school with the flu and was promptly sent back home by the principal. Alfred had immediately noticed that Ivan was sick, even without the flushed cheeks, by the delay in reaction and general lacklustre response Ivan gave to his provocations. When Alfred confronted Ivan about it, Ivan had ordered Alfred not tell anyone. So naturally, Alfred immediately tattled to the teacher.

At the time, it had been just to annoy Ivan, and besides, Ivan wasn't any fun when he was sick. But currently, Alfred was getting an unsettling feeling that he might get upset if Ivan was sick, instead of gleefully reveling in Ivan's weakness, especially after he got kidnapped and went missing. In fact, Alfred was beginning to fear he might actually get a little worried about the situation. 

Unbeknownst to Alfred, he was making a variety of distressing expressions that Mathew chose to interpret as heart-wrenching worry instead of the personal crisis Alfred was experiencing, and heaved a sigh of relief that his dense brother seemed to be understanding to some extent. 

"See?" Mathew finished, somewhat triumphantly. "If you love someone, you'll worry about them. It's just natural. So apologize to Ivan for whatever insensitive thing you said, okay?" 

Normally Alfred would have bristled at this point and complained that he wasn't insensitive, and it was Ivan's fault, but Alfred was so focused on his thoughts he didn't even respond. Like water soaking into the hard ground, Alfred was finally beginning to put two and two together, understanding something Litterally everyone else knew for years. 

"Yo, Alfred?"

Gilbert's voice rung out through the hall at his usual obnoxiously loud volume, and Alfred remembered something Gilbert had said before.

"Don't you and Ivan actually like each other?"

A horrifying realization was dawning, and Alfred rushed to grab Gilbert by the arm and haul him into a quieter area to talk, while Gilbert sputtered and flailed his free arm. 

"What gives?" Gilbert demanded, rounding on Alfred once Alfred let him go. 

Alfred blurted out his issue with wide and chaotic eyes. 

"Gilbert, I think I might like Ivan!" 

Gilbert blinked blankly at Alfred's declaration, which Alfred didn't really think was an appropriate reaction for such terrible news. Seeing as Alfred didn't add anything further to his declaration, or suddenly declare "Sike!" Gilbert dazedly questioned back. 

"You like Ivan?" 

Seeing that Gilbert was now looking a little shaken, Alfred continued to spill out his newfound realization with horror. 

"I got worried about him!"

Gilbert resembled a computer running internet explorer, and Alfred could practically see the buffering symbol in Gilbert's eyes. Finally, Gilbert spoke in a strained voice.

"... You 'think' you like Ivan?"

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