Chapter 73

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In Which Ivan Realizes Things Aren't So Easy

Ivan had full intentions of clearing up the misunderstanding with Alfred, especially as it was beneficial to him. That is, until he saw Alfred in person. He stomped up to Alfred, bitterly, ready to use his threatening tone. 

"Alfred," He began, "Why is my milk green?" 

He didn't have to know what was done to know who was to blame for the heart attack he'd gotten when he made himself breakfast the other day. Alfred was just lucky it was him, and not his sister who fell for it. But to Ivan's surprise, Alfred did not respond with his usual shit-eating grin. Instead, Alfred looked at him, somewhat dazedly, and answered in a vague distracted tone. 

"What? Oh,Ivan. Yeah, everything's fine." 

Ivan wasn't sure whether Alfred's expression, tone, or answer was more terrifying. 


Alfred nodded agreeably. 

"Yeah, of course."

Ivan was beginning to see why Gilbert was so upset. Ivan smiled an icy beam. 

"Alfred. I do not think you are listening to me, da?" 

He purposely thickened his Russian accent, knowing it would irritate Alfred even more, and waited for the reaction. Nothing. Alfred continued to look blank. 

"Sure thing. No problem at all." 

Ivan flinched, feeling like bugs were crawling up and down his spine. Alfred was never agreeable, or nice, and definitely was never this quiet. Was he sick? Ivan began to feel a strong sense of discomfort, and reached a hand out to feel Alfred's forehead for a fever. Alfred did not swat his hand away, or make a grating comment. In fact, he only started, looking at Ivan in surprise. 

"Ivan! When did you get here?"

Ivan pulled away his hand, feeling no fever, but unconvinced. Alfred definitely wasn't right. He tried to test it out. 

"Alfred, please go out with me." 

"uh-huh. If you say so." 

Blank eyes and no reaction. Ivan was beginning to confirm his uncomfortable suspicions. Ivan was used to getting Alfred's full attention when he spoke, even if it was just just to prod or poke at him. He wasn't used to being ignored, like Alfred did to his older brotheror Francis. It itched at Ivan's nerves in an infuriating way. Ivan tried again. 

"I said we should start dating again."

Alfred nodded, not meeting Ivan's face.

"Why're you telling me? I don't care!"

Then Alfred half stomped, half speedwalked off, not giving Ivan another chance to speak. Ivan's ever present beam melted away. Alfred wasn't paying attention to what Ivan was saying at all, and Ivan decided he didn't like that at all. 

Alfred, already a distance away, bumped into a classmate and sent them both sprawling, and began to pat the other down in a vague apologetic way, still seeming checked out. 

Ivan scowled.

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