Chapter Twelve: Change Is Good

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(A/N: I know this is crazy, but if y'all are still reading then there's still hope right? So here is chapter twelve and please for the love all that is good and holy let me know if you are still invested in this story because if you are it will motivate me to pick it back up and continue posting chapters.) 

  Adam's POV 

  I stared down into my glass of water lost in thought and somewhat confused. Tommy walked in and sat next to me. 

  "Something troubling you?" He asked. 

  "Yea, it's (Y/n)." I said. 

  "Okay, so what's the issue? I thought she was doing great." Tommy said. 

  "She is, she's amazing and belongs on the stage. That's not the issue...actually it's not her that's the problem at all. I just cant place this feeling I have about her." I explained. 

  "Oh, I see. Adam, I'll be completely honest with you. I see the way you look at her, and the way you act when she's around. It's more than admiration. I think you like her more than you want to believe you do." Tommy said giving me a smirk. 

  "Yea maybe, but should I tell her? I'm not sure what to do, what if I mess things up between us right before the tour?" I asked a bit worried. 

  "Adam the tour is still months away, and she adores you. I'm not going to tell you what to do but just listen to your heart. That's always the best option. 

 I thanked Tommy for the advice and went to bed, he was right. 

  Your POV 

  I woke up to my alarm going off and got up to get ready for work. Today I wore a red tank to with black leggings and and black cardigan. I topped off the outfit with my black heels and a red bow in my hair. I wasn't seeing Adam until tomorrow and I was happy to have a nice easy shift at the diner. 

  The day went by fairly quickly after I started my shift. There's a bit of awkward tension between Anthony and I now and he doesn't really speak to me all that much anymore after what happened. I felt a little bad for rejecting him but my heart belonged to Adam and I had way to much to focus on now. I don't have time for a boyfriend. I tried not the think about the whole situation because dwelling on it was pointless. 

  I got home after work and sat next to Blair on the couch. Her eyes were glued to the TV. I turned my attention to what she was watching. It was Adam. I totally forgot he had an interview today to talk about the tour. 

  "So Adam, tell me more about your upcoming tour. What can we look forward to?" The reporter asked eagerly. 

  "I am really excited for this tour, we have an amazing set list and the rehearsals just haven't stopped. I can say we are planning a surprise for the tour but I don't want to give it away." Adam said smiling. 

  "Well I'm sure all of your fans are very excited to see what's in store!" The reporter said. 

  I stopped paying attention after that, Adam's surprise was me. I thought about the rush of being on stage and shuddered a bit. 

  "Still nervous?" Blair asked. 

  "How can I not be? Adam is counting on me and I'm not a professional." I said starting to doubt myself. 

  "(Y/n) you are preparing for this, hell you are prepared. You know the songs start to finish. You know the dance moves. You have the look, you have the stage presence, and you have a killer voice. Hell, even Adam's producer thinks you rock! You have this down and you will be more than ready in a few months." Blair said to me. 

  I hugged her tightly. I don't know how I was going to survive a year without her. 

  "So what does Adam have planned for you for tomorrow?" Blair asked. 

  "Hmm let's see. I know we are rehearsing the set list and I need to work on singing and dancing at the same time. I think that's all we have planned.....Oh! Adam is showing me the limo tomorrow too." I told her. 

  We had dinner and then we got ready for bed. Tomorrow was going to be a very busy day and I honestly couldn't wait. 

(A/N: This was kind of just a filler chapter to make place for the romance to be put into motion so thank you for your patience.)

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