Chapter Six: I'm Not That Good

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(A/N: Mmmm. *insert angry screeching noises* I'm the worst i'm so sorry for being bad at updating but my job keeps me hella busy and on the go. I'm a cashier at a grocery store and if you have ever worked that job you would know it can be overwhelming at times, but on the up side i'm really trying to get more writing done. Anywho without further ado here is chapter six! Enjoy!)  

 "Come on just sing a line or two of any song!" Blair urged. 

 "I'd really rather not. I'm just gonna mess up and embarrass myself if I do." I argued. 

 Adam had asked me to sing for him so he could see what Blair meant when she said I had a killer singing voice. 

 "Come on (Y/N)! How often do you get the chance to sing for Adam Lambert!?" Blair asked eagerly.  

 "Yea I get that but I wouldn't know what to sing," I said hoping that would get me out of singing. I was wrong. 

 "Sing one of my songs." Adam suggested.  

 "O-one o-of y-y-your songs? B-but I um-" I stuttered before getting cut off. 

 "Please?" Adam insisted.  

 Everyone was looking at me now and I couldn't handle it so I gave in. 

 "Uhg! Okay fine! I guess i'll sing........Naked Love?" I said in kind of a question. 

 "Oooo!" Tommy said smiling. 

 "Oh my god yes!" Blair said excited. 

 I sighed preparing to sing the song. I took a deep breath then started. 

 "Lose control, collision course When you, my love, call nine one one" I started and I saw Adam smiling I really got into it. 

 "So roll the dice Get lucky tonight I know you're holding back No more hesitation" I sang and then without warning Adam started to sing with me. 

 "Just come on I want your naked love So don't you dress it up tonight Come on You know your naked love Is what I'm dreaming of tonight" We sang together. 

 We stopped singing and I smiled. 

 "That was so freaking amazing!" Blair yelled excitedly. 

 "Wow (Y/n), that was really good. You could totally gain fame with a voice like that." Adam said with a very serious tone of voice. 

 Him saying that shocked me. I never considered even pursuing a career in singing. I was content working at the diner and singing in the shower. 

 "I'm not a performer. I like to sing, just not in front of other people, and definitely not by myself." I said looking away. 

 "What if you were singing with another person?" Adam asked. 

 "Well then maybe I might be able to, but I mean I don't really know anyone else who can sing like I can. Except you that is." I said looking into Adam's eyes. 

"Would you sing with me on stage?" Adam asked. 

 "Well I mean that would be dream come true!" I said happily.  

 "Let's see we leave for tour again in 5 months, and there would need to be paperwork done..." Adam trailed off. 

 "Not to mention she would need to get used to how our equipment works." Tommy piped in. 

 "Plus she would have to adjust to my style and need to work on her stage presence." Adam finished. 

 "I don't mean to interrupt but what are you guys talking about?" I asked totally confused. 

 Adam looked into my eyes and smiled a gorgeous smile at me. I blushed a bit. 

 "(Y/n) would you interested in going on tour with me?" Adam asked eagerly. 

 Both mine and Blair's jaws dropped. Tour? Me? With Adam Lambert? Did I hear him right? 

 "What?!?!?!" I asked in shock. 

 "I really think you should come on tour with me. Just to try it out. I think you could really make it out there, and you would be singing songs you already know and you wouldn't be singing them alone." Adam explained. 

 "This is the offer of a lifetime (Y/n). Personally I don't want you to leave but I also want you to be happy." Blair said placing her hand on my shoulder. 

"But the diner, and Jynx, and....." I trailed off.  

"You can bring your cat with you." Tommy said. 

"So what do you think. We can teach you everything you need to know and you would get paid." Adam said. 

 "How long is the tour?" I asked. 

 "One year. We take days off after every few concerts." Tommy explained. 

 I looked over to Blair and she nodded at me. 

 "Okay, I'll do it!" I said a bit unsure. 

 Adam smiled and gave Tommy a high five. Blair nudged me. 

 "Get excited. You are going on tour with Adam Lambert!" Blair said excitedly. 

 "I am excited. It's just a lot to absorb and I need a minute to let it sink in." I said calmly. 

 Adam said we could start next week. We had to do paper work and then I had to start being able to memorize every single one of his songs. This was going to be hard work and the hardest part would be having to quit my job in 4 months. I would have to quit a month early to have the last month to focus on only the tour. This was the end of my quiet normal life and the beginning of something that would change my life forever!  

(A/N: Thank you for being so patient with me. I will start updating more now that i Have my own computer. I found that if i listen to Adam Lambert while i write it helps give me inspiration. I went through 2 albums writing this chapter. So I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you again!)

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