All About You

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(A/N: Hey so due to shear lazyness, I created a look for you. You can keep your name but I modified your height, eyes and hair! Love you all!!! Thanks for reading!) 

Name: (Y/N) 

Hair: Black, Reaches Lower Back, Side Swept Bangs  

Eyes: Dark Green 

Height: 5"3' 

Style: Emo/Punk 

Love Interest: Adam Lambert (Obviously) 

Crush: The One and Only (Duh)  

Here is a bit of your back story.................................  

 So you were usually a quiet person. Always lost in your thoughts and your music. You had one small addiction.........and it was him. His eyes, his voice, his style, all of him was just so perfect. Adam Lambert, you life long celebrity crush. You had been watching him since his audition for American Idol. You had one close friend...........her name was Blair. You guys met in the hall at school. You were walking down the hall listening to music with your headphones in. She came rushing around the corner and accidentally bumped into you. When she did your phone flew out of your hand and your headphones came out letting your music play out loud. That's when she realized you both had a favorite artist. Yep him again. You both had a huge crush on Adam. He was or is such a stud! So you and Blair became best friends. So close that you thought your friendship would never end.  

And Now.................................................................................... 

Now you worked in a cute little diner on the end of main street. Still best friends with Blair. You lived with Blair in a two bedroom apartment. Your room covered with posters of Adam and your life on the right track. You don't smoke or do drugs, you rarely drink and are careful and not reckless. Little did you know your perfect little life was about to change...........forever. 

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