Chapter Seven: You What?

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 (A/N: Omg! I just posted chapter six and the next day I already have more votes and people asking me to update. I would like to give a huge thank you to those waiting for and reading my updates. So i'm not sure how long this story will go for and I am going for the big build up so there is romance to come I promise. But I've gone on long enough! I love you all <3)  

 The diner was able to get the windows fixed within the week and my car was unscathed. The police told my manager that it was a drive by shooting by but some drunk people. They were caught and in jail now, knowing that put me at ease. It was nice to be back at work. During my break I had my headphones in and since I was alone in the break room I was singing out loud to exercise my vocal chords. It caught me by surprise when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It made me jump a bit. Anthony sat down in front of me. 

 "Sorry (Y/n). I didn't mean to scare you." Anthony said chuckling. 

 "It's okay, just caught me off guard." I said smiling softly. 

 "Now please tell me you are going to do something with that stunning voice of yours. You have the voice of an angel (Y/n)!" Anthony begged. 

 Oh Anthony. He was always so sweet and gave me confidence. He was always telling me I should audition for American Idol. I never had the courage to do it yet now I was going on tour. He was going to freak out. 

 "Actually, about that. I have something to tell you, but it's kind of a secret okay?" I said in a serious tone of voice. 

 "Sure. You can tell me anything." Anthony said clearly intrigued. 

"Well the day of the shooting I got to serve Adam Lambert and Tommy Joe Ratliff at our diner! Adam shielded me from the glass that shattered and let me stay the night at his place. Long story short I had him over for dinner the other night and he heard me sing and asked me to go on tour with him!" I said excitedly.  

 "Wait let me get this straight. So you met Adam Lambert? He saved you? Then you slept over at his house? Had him over for dinner at your house? Sang for him? And on top of all that he asked you to go on tour with him?" Anthony asked. 

 "Yep!" I said eagerly. 

 "(Y/n)! You never invite me over for dinner! So not fair!" Anthony said giving me a pouty face and crossing his arms. 

 My jaw dropped. I was in complete shock. That is all he cared about? My expression dropped shortly after and Anthony noticed. 

 "I was just kidding (Y/n). I'm really happy for you." Anthony said smiling. 

 I smiled back at him. 

 "You know I love you-" Anthony began before I cut him off. 

 "Wait you what?" I asked in shock. 

 "Uh, you didn't let me finish. I was going to say you know I love your voice." He said with a grin. 

 I sighed a small sigh and leaned back in my chair taking a sip of my water but what Anthony said next almost made me spit it out. 

 "Yeah, I mean I love you too. I have for a while." Anthony said blushing a bit. 

 "You, well, I, um, I, I, y-you, what? Huh?" I couldn't even get a full sentence out. 

 "Don't strain yourself. I just really wanted you to know." Anthony said as he got up and left the break room. 

 Okay was this really happening? I mean it made sense. I had kind of expected this but I didn't think he would actually confess. I did love him but as a friend not a boyfriend. 

 After my break I told my manager I wasn't feeling well and she let me go home. It was a nice day so I had walked to work so I got to walk home. I walked slower than usual. I couldn't get what Anthony had said out of my mind. I also couldn't bring myself to smile. A car pulled up and stopped beside me. The window rolled down to reveal Adam and Tommy was driving. 

 "(Y/n), you look upset. Wait shouldn't you be at work?" Adam asked. 

 "I wasn't feeling well so my manager let me go home early." I explained. 

 "Well Tommy and I are going to get milkshakes. Do you wanna come?" Adam asked. 

 For some reason his offer made me crack just a slight smile. I got in the car and told Adam and Tommy what had happened at work.  

 "Well I can understand his point of view. You are very pretty and very talented." Tommy said. 

 "It was just shocking I guess. I didn't expect it." I said frowning. 

 "You know what always cheers me up?" Adam asked grinning. 

 "What?" I asked sighing. 

 "A shopping spree." Adam said happily. 

 "Oh, I don't really have the money for that." I said shrugging my shoulders. 

 "My treat, and if you want you can pay be back after we start the tour." He said smiling. 

 I agreed. I did need some concert outfits anyways. Adam wanted to choose some makeup for me to wear too. Shopping with Adam and Tommy made me almost forget about Anthony. At the one of the stores I was trying on something Adam had picked out for me. I came out of the dressing room and did a dramatic pose giggling. 

 "There's the happy (Y/n) we know and love. Also I knew that would look amazing on you. I'm gonna get it for you." Adam said smiling. 

 "Thank you guys so much. I really needed this." I thanked them both. 

 This was amazing. I was going to really love the life on stage. I was nervous but Adam was fully prepared to get me through it. 

 (A/N: Sorry this chapter was a bit rushed but I hope you still liked it!)

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