Chapter Five: Dinner With the Stars

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 (A/N: Oh my god. Hello readers. I'm sorry you all probably hate me for not updating and I'm very sorry. I've been so busy lately. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Happy New Year! Here is chapter 5 please enjoy!) 

 "I can not believe you actually stayed at Adam Lambert's house! I'm sorry for not believing you." Blair Apologized. I smiled. 

 "Chill. I know why you didn't believe me. It's okay! We are best friends after all." I said. We hugged then went inside to hang out with Adam. 

 Blair had a hay day with Adam. She asked him questions, had him sing a bit, and got a couple autographs. Adam was so nice about all this but I guess he was used to this thing.  

 "Jeeze Blair! Give the guy some space." I said laughing. Adam chuckled a bit saying it was alright. 

 "Hey, why don't you go pick up Tommy and you guys can have dinner here. I think it would be really fun." I suggested. 

 "Oh my god, yeah! I want to meet Tommy!" Blair exclaimed. 

 "Well if its not too much trouble then sure." Adam said.  

 With that Adam left to go pick up Tommy and get ready for tonight. Blair left to go get stuff for dinner while I did some cleaning around the house. While cleaning I put on Adam's Trespassing album. I loved this album. I did the dishes, cleaned up the kitchen and living room. I also gave the bathroom a wipe down then washed my hands. I changed Jynx's litter and brushed her fur. I put her black diamond studded collar on her. Blair came home and had brought stuff to make chicken stir fry. 

 "Well lets change and get started on dinner." I said heading up to my room. Blair went to her room. 

 I went to my closet and chose a red cocktail dress. I wanted to look a little bit hot. I put a red bow in my hair and left my hair in loose curls. Blair wore a quarter length white blouse and a frilly black skirt. She put her hair up in a high ponytail. We both started cooking dinner. Blair cut up the veggies while i sliced up the chicken. Blair started frying everything while I set our table for 4 people. I went and turned the stereo down and changed the album to Tokio Hotel. Blair dished out the food and poured 4 glasses of red wine. Maybe I should have gotten tequila. I giggled to myself. Then there was a knock on the door. Perfect timing! I went and opened the door. There stood Adam and Tommy. Adam was holding a bouquet of red roses. I stepped aside to let them in. 

 "Hey glad you guys could make it!" I said happily. 

 "I wouldn't miss it for the world. These are for you." Adam said handing me the bouquet and lightly kissing my cheek. 

 Tommy followed him giving me a tight hug and winking. I blushed lightly. 

 "Dinner is ready and Blair is in the kitchen." I said as I took their jackets and put the roses in a vase in the living room. 

 Tommy was introduced to Blair and we all sat down to have dinner. We talked and laughed all through dinner. Adam and Tommy told a bunch of concert and tour stories. It was so much fun listening to them talk about their concerts. 

 "You guys are so lucky! (Y/n) has always wanted to tour." Blair piped in. 

 "Blair shut it!" I snapped. 

 "Oh? Do you play an instrument?" Adam asked. 

 "No, she has a killer singing voice though." Blair said happily. 

 "Blair! Shut up!" I glared daggers at her. 

 "You sing? Id really like to hear it." Adam said calmly. 

 "I'm nothing compared to you." I said avoiding eye contact. 

 Adam smiled and gave Tommy a wink. 

 "I guess we will just have to see about that." Adam said grinning. 

 (A/N): Hi! Omg long time no update sorry. I will try to update more often. Im finally getting my life on track. But here is chapter five. Thank you for the reads, votes, and comments!)

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