Chapter Four: It's The Truth

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(A/N: Hello! Here is chapter four! PLEASE READ THE A/N AT THE END OF THIS CHAPTER! Thank You!)

 I walked up to the door and tuned the nob and walked in. Before I could announce my arrival, Blair and Jynx bolted towards me. 

 "Oh (Y/N)! I'm so glad you're home and safe!" Blair said pulling me into a hug. Jynx meowed in agreement. I didn't say anything. 

 "So, where were you for real?" Blair asked curiously and Jynx cocked his head to the side.  

 "I told you, I was with Adam Lambert." I stated. 

 "Yeah okay, and I spent the night with Brad Pitt! Who were you really with? Oh! Let me guess, Justin Bieber?" She said jokingly. 

"If you don't believe me that's fine, but you know I don't lie. Why would I start now?" With that I went up to my room and shut the door. 

 I sat on my bed and Jynx jumped up onto my lap. 

"You believe me right?" I said to my cat. She meowed in response. I smiled happily and fell backwards. 

 Jynx came and cuddled up to my stomach. I thought about everything that had happened yesterday and today. It was a lot to take in, then I remembered my car was still in the staff parking lot of the diner. Hopefully it was okay. I decided to go pick it up, it was only a 30 minute walk after all. My car keys were most likely in my purse which was.................. 

 "OH SHIT!" I exclaimed. 

 I totally forgot my purse at Adam's house, and I don't have his number. Just then I heard my ringtone go off from downstairs. I knew Blair would answer for me. My ringtone was Music Again. One of my favorite songs by Adam. My ringtone stopped and I heard Blair answer. Might as well go see who it is. I got off my bed and Jynx decided to jump on my head. Guess he really missed me poor thing. I walked downstairs to where Blair was. 

"Hello?......No this is her roommate Blair. Who's this?...........Oh I see, yea she said she had stayed with someone..............yea she is.......sure if it's not to much trouble, plus i'd like to meet you. Sorry I just have doubts about what (y/n) told me about you.................okay we will be here." 

 Blair hung up and gave me my phone. 

 "So who was it?" I asked a bit impatiently. 

 "Whoever you stayed with last night. He is coming over to drop off your purse and then I will see if you were telling the truth." She said proud. 

 "Did you not hear his voice?" I asked. 

 "People sound different on the phone, it could have been anyone." She said. 

 I rolled my eyes and her and I went to sit on the front step and wait for him. After a couple of minutes Adam's car pulled into my driveway. Blair and I both stood up. Adam got out of his car and pulled off his sunglasses. I looked over to Blair as her jaw dropped and she became speechless. Adam walked over and handed me my purse. 

 "Hey thank you so much. Adam this is my roommate Blair. Blair, Adam Lambert." I said trying my best to not laugh at how shocked she looked. 

 "It was no problem. I have nothing else to do today. It's nice to meet you Blair." Adam said holding out his hand. 

 I shook Blair a little hoping she would snap out of it. Luckily she did. She shook Adam's hand but didn't say anything. I guess she was still in a bit of shock. 

 "Hey did you want to stay for a bit?" I asked Adam. 

 "Yea id love to! Thanks!" He said happily. 

 "Yea, go on in." I said happily. 

 He walked inside and I looked at Blair. She stared at me with wide eyes. 

 "I told you, I was telling the truth." I said and we both went inside. 

(A/N: Okay. Done chapter 4. So I start school again in a few days and I will be in grade 12 and graduating. I wont have very much time to update between studying and rehearsing for the production I will be part of this year. So please forgive the late updates and I will try to put up chapter 5 before school starts. Thank You For Reading!)

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