Chapter Ten: Mixed Feelings

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(A/N: Okay haha how much do you guys hate me? I'm sorry for being so slow with updating. I had to quit my job and then start a new job so I will try to update a bit more. I kind of only update when I am in the mood so sorry but this story is still far from over to I hope you enjoy this next chapter. Here is chapter ten. None of this applies anymore. It's been a while. I'm sorry.) 

 I woke up to Jynx licking my cheek. It tickled and I giggled a bit but stopped remembering the events of last night. Everything that happened with Anthony and Adam. I groaned loudly. Why did he have to show up on my door step? And oh those things he said to Adam. I felt really bad. My phone started to ring and I picked it and answered it. 

 "Hello?" I said still a bit groggy.

 "Good Morning sweetheart!" A voice said cheerfully. 

 "Oh good morning Adam!" I said cheerfully. 

 "Wake up and get ready! I'm gonna come pick you up so we can can do some stage work today." Adam said sounding overly excited. 

 "Okay okay, i'm getting up. See you soon." I hung up and closed my eyes. 

 "Who knew superstars would be so demanding?" I said to Jynx. 

 She looked at me licked my cheek again. I picked her up off my chest and walked with over to my closet. 

 "What should I wear today?" I asked Jynx while looking into my closet. 

 She meowed and I set her on the ground. She rubbed up against the boots Adam had gotten for me. I smiled as I remembered the shopping trip. 

 "Good idea Jynx! My cat is more stylish than I am." I said mostly to myself. 

 I put on some high wasted black skinny jeans and a tight black crop top. I completed the outfit with the boots Jynx had picked out and a silver studded black leather jacket. I walked to the bathroom ran a straightener through my hair and was about to do my makeup when I heard a knock on the front door. I went to answer the door and there was Adam standing there with a coffee. I smiled at him. 

 "Hey I figured you might need this." He said handing me the coffee. 

 "Thank you, i'm almost ready. Just have to do my makeup." I said taking a sip of my coffee. 

 "Can I do your makeup for you?" Adam asked. 

 "Uh do you even need to ask?! Of course you can do my makeup!" I said excitedly. 

 We walked upstairs to my bathroom and I sat on the counter while Adam did my makeup. He was done pretty quick and I looked in the mirror. My jaw dropped slightly. My eyes had a smokey look topped with some light glitter and on my lips was a dark purple matte lipstick. 

 "Oh my god! Adam you did amazing! Thank you so much!" I said looking in the mirror. 

 "Anytime! Now lets go, I don't wanna be late." Adam said almost dragging me out the door. 

 "Where are we going again?" I asked. 

 "We are going to work on your stage presence today. If we have time we might work on choreography as well." He explained. 

 The care ride was pretty silent mostly because I couldn't stop thinking about last night. I think Adam noticed I was lost in thought but didn't say anything. Last night replayed over and over in my head. I was still very upset with Anthony. I couldn't believe he did what he did. 

 "(Y/n) You should just let it go. What happened, it happened and you can't change that. If you are worried about me don't be. I've gotten a lot worse and that guy is just love sick. Don't beat yourself up about it." Adam said calmly. 

 "I know but i'm hurt. He had no right to say the stuff he did and....." I trailed off unsure what to say next. 

 Adam pulled into a parking lot and parked before turning to me and holding my hands in his. 

 "Hey it is alright okay? Now push those thoughts away and focus on me. We have a busy day ahead of us and you will have fun I promise!" Adam said. 

 I nodded in response because I was pretty excited to do stage work. I could worry about tis stuff later! 

(Okay I know short chapter but here you go! Sorry for not updating!)

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