Chapter 16

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"You've already accepted because the reality of your choices burden your friends" A said as she looked at the floor "Good luck you'll need it"

She said as she clapped and the floor gave out from beneath me. As I fell I watched A who stood in her place with a smile painted across her lips.

Lord help me


I let out a groan when I opened my eyes, did that bitch let me fall to the ground ?  I slowly sat up expecting to be greeted by pain only to realise I was completely fine? I rubbed my eyes and moved my hands around my body. Nothing felt tender? I poked my thighs, nothing felt broken. 

"Okay then" I said to myself as I moved to stand up, I looked around and frowned a the familiar place.

"Why am I- "


My words stopped short when I heard te familiar voice of Roman whisper in my ear, my body felt repulsed and I cringed away from the voice and looked around frantically. 

This isn't real and he's not here. I kept telling myself as  I let out a shaky breath and looked at my childhood home, my fucking hell and the very thing I hated second to Roman. I shook off the weird feeling that came over my body, and swallowed thickly. 

Funny enough, ever since Roman came crashing into my life and I've been on the run coming back here has never crossed my mind. It's not a place that's filled with happy memories, just with how many times I came so close to taking my own life. I let out a deep breath "You can do this" I muttered quietly to myself as I slowly walked towards the front door. 

No matter how fake this place is, it didn't stop that unwanted feeling from brewing at the pit of my stomach. It was silent in this place, the sparse leaves crunched under my measured steps to the front door. The door was open, I quickly looked around the and saw nothing. But that's what made it even more unsettling the complete silence and how everything was so still. 

I stepped into the house, my footsteps echoing eerily against the cracked wooden floorboards. The air inside was thick and heavy, laden with the scent of decay and something far more sinister. This was my childhood home, a place I had vowed never to return to. Yet here I was, drawn back by some unseen force. That being A, clearly rooting through my memories and essentially torture me. 

The front door slammed shut behind me with a deafening bang. I let out a small squeak,  I spun around, my heart pounding in my chest. The doorknob was cold and unyielding as I tried to twist it open, but it wouldn't budge. Panic set in. I was trapped.

"Aroura welcome hommmmme " a familiar voice hissed. I turned, my breath catching in my throat. Standing in the dim hallway was my mother, her once-beautiful face now a grotesque mask of anger and decay. Her skin hung in loose, ragged strips, revealing raw, festering wounds beneath. Her eyes burned with a malevolent fire.

"Mum?" My voice was a mere whisper, why the fuck does she look so demented. I couldn't help but let a small chuckle pass my lips even though fear cursed throughout my body. Mum was nice, but only behind closed doors, the windows shut the curtains drawn only then would she grant me acts of kindness, giving me false hope that she could love me as her daughter but that was just an excuse I told myself over and over again. 

I didn't want to face the cold hard truth. 

"I see death hasn't been kind to you" I hissed back, the feelings of anger came pouring into my body and I clenched my hands into tight fists, my body trembling with anger.  

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