Chapter Five

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Days would turn to weeks, and weeks to months. Charlie had gotten permission for homeschooling, as Isabella would bring Bella's work back and do the work for the both of them. The nightmares would keep coming for Bella. Isabella would mainly sleep over on the reservation on Embrys couch until she knew she needed to return.

Isabella's days were filled with helping Bella cope with her nightmares and keeping up with their homeschooling. She would spend evenings on the reservation, finding solace in Embry's company and the support of the pack. Despite the challenges they faced, Isabella remained steadfast in her determination to support Bella and help her through this difficult time.

The day Bella finally snapped out of it, was when she asked her friends and Jacob to fix up some bikes. Isabella had thought this irritating, not Bella. But Jacob. What she had been left to do, he was doing. Isabella sat on the beach with Embry, looking both angry, and saddened.

As Isabella sat on the beach with Embry, she couldn't shake off her feelings of frustration and sadness. Watching Jacob step into the role that she felt belonged to her was difficult to bear. She felt a pang of jealousy mixed with a sense of betrayal, even though she knew Jacob was just trying to help Bella. Embry placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, offering silent support as she processed her emotions.

"He is just using her! He and Billy have to know he's a wolf. Come on, even if he hasn't shifted yet. And she doesn't even know about them!" Isabella ranted as she fiddled with the necklace around her neck. "She's always with him anymore. No one has contacted either of us, but god forbid she's still..Ugh," she groaned and threw her head in her hands.

Embry listened attentively as Isabella vented her frustrations. He understood her concerns and shared her worries about Bella's safety and well-being. "I know it's tough, Izzy. But we have to trust that Bella will figure things out on her own. And we'll be here to support her no matter what," he reassured her, gently rubbing her back in a comforting gesture. "Just give her time. She'll come around."

She sighed, and leaned into his touch. Their bond had never once left the equation. "She keeps emailing Alice... I keep texting Rose," she sighed. "I think I am hurting a lot more... than I let on..." she spoke and looked at him.

Embry nodded sympathetically, understanding the weight of Isabella's emotions. "It's okay to feel that way, Izzy. You've been through a lot, and it's natural to have mixed feelings about everything," he replied softly, offering her a supportive smile. "Just know that you're not alone. I'm here for you, no matter what." He squeezed her hand gently, reassuring her of his presence and support.

"I know... but at the same time, it's like I can feel myself drowning," she spoke softly as she looked away. "I miss my new family. I miss my real father... " she looked at the ocean, and shook her head. "Call the pack. I want to cliff dive again."

Embry nodded understandingly, recognizing Isabella's need for an outlet to cope with her emotions. "Sure thing, Izzy. Cliff diving sounds like just the thing to clear your head," he replied, standing up and pulling out his phone to make the call to the pack. "I'll let them know. We'll head out as soon as everyone's ready." He offered her a comforting smile before making the arrangements, knowing that the thrill of cliff diving might offer some solace to Isabella amidst her turmoil.

She smiled, and stood up. Pulling off the jacket Charlie made her wear, and smiled and stretch. "Did you know you are the best imprint ever?" She asked with a smirk.

Embry chuckled, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "I try my best," he replied with a playful grin. "But I think I'm pretty lucky too, to have imprinted on someone as amazing as you." He reached out to gently squeeze her hand, his touch offering reassurance and support.

Watching as Sam, Jarad, and Paul make their way to the beach, Isabella gave them all a kind smile. The five made their way to the cliff above the ocean, the pack had turned and ran. Isabella followed behind, an as some made it to the Cliff Edge, she swallowed hard. Sam went behind a tree and turned back as well as the others.

Feeling the anticipation building up, Isabella took a deep breath, steadying herself for the exhilarating dive ahead. She glanced over at Embry, a mix of excitement and nervousness in her eyes. With a determined nod, she stepped closer to the edge of the cliff, her heart racing in anticipation of the thrilling plunge into the cool waters below.

Feeling refreshed and invigorated, Isabella surfaced from the water, her senses heightened by the rush of adrenaline from the dive. She smiled as she swam back to the shore, the weight of her worries momentarily lifted by the exhilarating experience. As she stepped onto the sandy beach, she couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and joy wash over her.

As the day turned to night, Isabella laid on the bed with Bella. She jumped as she heard the screaming again. Looking at her with concern, she frowned. As soon as the door opened, Charlie peaked his head in.

Isabella remained by Bella's side, offering comfort and reassurance as she slept fitfully. When Charlie peeked in, Isabella gave him a nod, silently conveying that she would take care of Bella. Once the door closed, she returned her focus to Bella, hoping that her presence would bring some solace to her troubled dreams.

Isabella had finally managed to get Bella to calm down, and go back to sleep. Frowning, she couldn't stop thinking about her family herself. As she softly rocked herself to sleep, she thought of the nights in the castle when she would run around to annoy the new staff. A sigh escaped her lips as she closed her eyes.

As Isabella drifted off to sleep, memories of her past mingled with her present concerns. The echoes of her time in the castle intertwined with her worries about her family, creating a bittersweet tapestry of emotions. With a heavy heart, she eventually succumbed to sleep, finding solace in the rhythm of her own breath and the stillness of the night.

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