Chapter Eight

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The two talked about the Cullens, Isabella saying that only Rose would respond to her when she asked for advice about Embry. But other than that, she hadn't spoke with anyone. When the weekend had finally came, Isabella sat on the couch as Charlie told the girls to stay home or at Jess'. Isabella knew Bella had been thinking otherwise, but she said nothing as she flipped through the tv channels.

Isabella glanced at Bella, noticing the conflict in her expression. "You okay, Bella?" she asked, her tone gentle. She could sense Bella's restlessness, the desire to break free from the confines of their home.

"I need to know he existed. There was only one place I might find him, or the feeling of him," she thought aloud, as she waited for Charlie's car to zoom off.

Isabella groaned, as she stood up. Zooming up to their room, she pulled on her jeans and a black hoodie, with her dark blue converse and made it back down before Bella had even got her shoes on. "Where are we going?"isabella asked, leaning on the doorway. She had no idea about Bella's meadow, but she had promised both the pack and the cullens that Bella was safe with her.

"A place he took me," Bella spoke.

Isabella's concern for Bella was evident in her voice. She glanced around nervously, feeling uneasy about the idea of going to a secluded meadow where vampires might lurk. "Bella, I understand you need closure, but we need to be cautious. If anything feels off or if we sense danger, we should leave immediately," Isabella suggested, her eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger.

As the two continued to follow a trail, they see a clearing ahead. The two step into the clearing, hopeful... but Bella's face falls. In contrast to the warmth of Bella's memory, the meadow is cold, gloomy, cloudy. And no Edward. Though Isabella had the feeling that they would find nothing, she let her small hope fade as well.

Bella sinks to her knees, Isabella standing beside her with her hands on Bella's shoulders in a comforting way. Tears threatening from both girls. But then they hear a RUSTLING noise. The two turn toward it, peering into the woods.

Another RUSTLING NOISE comes from another part of the woods. The two spin toward it.Then Bella turns and JUMPS when she finds Vampire LAURENT standing just ten yards away. Dreadlocks, chiseled face. Bella can't believe it, as Isabella takes a protective stance in front of her.

Isabella instinctively stepped in front of Bella, shielding her from the potential threat. She narrowed her eyes at Laurent, ready to defend her friend if necessary. "Stay behind me, Bella," Isabella whispered, her voice firm and determined. She assessed the situation, preparing to act if Laurent made any sudden moves.

"I must admit, I didn't expect to find you here," Laurent spoke, starting to move closer to the two.

Isabella's voice was steady but edged with warning as she confronted Laurent. "You're not welcome here, Laurent. Leave before you cause any trouble." She held her ground, ready to defend Bella if needed, her eyes locked onto Laurent's every move. Laurent begins to stroll in a slow arc around her, his eyes assessing the two girls. Isabella was praying that the wolves were near in hopes that the two might get away.

"I went to visit the Cullens, but their house is empty. I'm surprised they left you both behind. Weren't you sort of a pet of theirs, Isabella?" Laurent spoke, a smirk crossing his face.

Isabella's grip on Bella tightened as she felt her anger rising. "I'm not anyone's pet," she retorted, her voice low and fierce. "And you have no business with us or the Cullens. Leave now, before things get unpleasant for you." Her eyes flashed with warning, ready to defend herself and Bella if necessary.

Suddenly, he's standing inches from Isabella, she separating the human and the full vampire. She now sees his Dark blood-red eyes, a reminder of her father. Placing a finger under Isabella's chin, he started to speak.

"Tell me Isabella. Do you ever feel compelled to... cheat?" He asked, a smile spreading across his face. "But that's not why I left. I came back here as a favor to Victoria."

Isabella's heart raced as Laurent's touch sent a chill down her spine. She resisted the urge to flinch away from his touch, maintaining her composure despite her growing unease. "Victoria?" she echoed, her voice tinged with suspicion. "What does she want with us now?" Isabella's mind raced, trying to anticipate Victoria's motives and what danger she might pose to Bella and herself.

"She asked me to get the lay of the land with the Cullens. Because, well... I'm afraid Victoria is quite put out with the likes of you both." His hand now traced her cheek as pushed Bella back.

Isabella tensed at Laurent's touch, her muscles coiling with the instinct to defend herself and Bella. "Put out?" she repeated, her voice edged with defiance. "What does Victoria have against us? We've done nothing to her." Isabella's mind raced, trying to think of a way to protect herself and Bella from whatever threat Victoria posed.

"She feels it's only fair to kill Edward's mate, given he killed hers. Eye for an eye, mate for a mate," he spoke, his cold hand gripping tightly onto the girls face.

Bella could feel her stomach flip, as the two in front of her talked. She was frozen in fear.

Isabella's eyes narrowed at Laurent's words, her jaw clenching with anger. "Victoria has no right to come after Bella," she declared, her voice low and fierce. "She's innocent in all of this." Isabella's heart raced as she considered their options, knowing they were in a dangerous situation.

"Victoria wants her dead, but you dear? I want to take you out for her. After all, you can't take down someone who is being protected," he smirked, as he looked her up and down. But soon he froze and had looked as if he had seen a ghost. "I-I don't believe it," he whispered. He steps back. Bella's confused as she realizes he's no longer focused on the half vampire. The two follow his eyes, slowly turning... to find behind them. A large black wolf skulking out of the darkness of the woods. It stalks towards them, a low disturbing growl in its throat, sharp teeth gleaming.

The wolf slinks closer to Bella and Isabella, a mere twenty feet from where she stands, then four more soundlessly emerge from the trees, flanking the black wolf. They're the size of small horses, all of different hues: dark silver, chocolate, ash and russet-
brown. Their hackles are up, lips curling, bodies crouched,ready to spring.

Bella is frozen with fear as they come toward her. Isabella, however felt herself slowly come down from her fear. Laurent continues to retreat - then suddenly, almost simultaneously, Laurent bolts across the meadow.

Isabella's instincts kicked in as she positioned herself between Bella and the advancing wolves, her stance protective and defiant. Despite her fear, she maintained a steely resolve, knowing that she needed to keep Bella safe at all costs.

As Laurent fled, the wolves closed in, their predatory instincts evident in their demeanor. Isabella held her ground, her eyes locked on the leader of the pack, the large black wolf. She could feel the tension in the air, the intensity of the moment hanging thickly around them.

But just as the situation seemed dire, a sudden cacophony of howls echoed through the forest. Isabella recognized the familiar sounds of her pack, and relief flooded through her. The wolves hesitated, their attention diverted by the approaching members of the Quileute pack.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Isabella grabbed Bella's hand and sprinted toward the treeline, the pack of wolves in close pursuit. She could hear the thundering footsteps of the Quileute wolves behind them, and she prayed that they would reach safety before it was too late.

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