Chapter Ten

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Jolting awake, Isabella noticed that Bella had awoken as well. The two looked at the window, a screeching noise coming from outside.

"Bella! Ouch - damn it; open the window," Jacob's voice had came from out side. Isabella, looking like she had just woke up... because she had, opened the window. A glare clear on her face.

Isabella's voice was filled with irritation as she addressed Jacob. "What are you doing here in the middle of the night, Jacob?" She rubbed her eyes, still trying to fully wake up. Bella stood beside her, looking puzzled but concerned.

As Jacob looked at the two girls, he listened for Charlie as he entered. Once he was sure he was good, he looked at Bella.

"I needed to talk to you," he paused as he looked at Isabella. "Alone..." he spoke. Flipping him the bird, Isabella sat on the edge of the window, and jumped down with bare feet. She decided since he wanted 'alone time' with Bella, she would hunt.

As Isabella headed towards the forest, she looked at her phone. Walking slowly, she texted Rose... as it had been almost a month since she had heard from her. She had actually sent the last text.

'Rose... if you are doing this to keep me safe... I can't do this anymore. I miss you all. Hell I even miss my real dad... but please. Just tell me you're coming back.'

Isabella put her phone in her pocket, and let her feet dig into the wet dirt. She let the scents of the animals hit her. As she locked onto a panther, her senses heightened.

As Isabella followed the scent of the panther, she focused on the task at hand, trying to push aside her worries and frustrations. With each step, her senses sharpened, honing in on the elusive creature. She moved swiftly and silently through the forest, her movements fluid and graceful as she tracked her prey. Despite the turmoil in her heart, the hunt provided a sense of purpose and focus, allowing her to momentarily escape the weight of her worries. Pouncing onto the panther, and biting into it, she felt her worries leave the parts of her mind that had been forced to deal with. Coming back down from her blood high, she made her way back to Bella's window. Jumping into the room, she crawled back into bed. Bella shakes her head, and pulled Isabella up.

As Bella pulled Isabella up, concern etched on her face, Isabella couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for leaving her friend alone with Jacob. Despite her frustrations with him, she knew Bella valued their friendship. "Sorry, I just needed some air," Isabella muttered, trying to downplay her absence. "What did Jacob want?" she asked, shifting the focus away from herself.

"Isabella, we need to go to La Push, I know you are coming back from a hunt and are exhausted, but I need you to come with me," when Bella had said those words, Isabella shot out of bed and pulled on her flats.

As Isabella hastily put on her flats, she nodded in agreement with Bella's urgency. "Alright, let's go," she replied, her senses now on high alert. Whatever it was that Bella needed to address in La Push seemed significant, and Isabella was prepared to support her friend through it. The drive to La Push at night seemed to last forever, but as they pulled into a clearing Isabella could hear Paul's voice and the anger. She instantly knew what this was about. "Shit! He told you, he can't tell you!" She groaned, glancing back and forth between Jacob and Bella.

Isabella's heart sank as she realized the situation they were walking into. She could sense the tension thick in the air, amplified by Paul's angry voice. "Bella, maybe this isn't the best time," Isabella suggested, concern etched on her face as she glanced at Jacob, knowing the implications of his disclosure.

As Bella got out of the car, Isabella followed. Listening to the boys and Bella go back and forth, Embry wrapped his arms around Izzy.

"Like a leech lover's gonna help us," Paul growled, glaring at Bella.

Isabella bristled at Paul's words, her protective instincts kicking in. She squared her shoulders, ready to defend Bella if needed. "We're all in this together, Paul," she said firmly, her gaze unwavering as she met his glare.

"Watch what you call her," Jacob growled back.

"Guys get a -" pausing, Embry let the words sink in a bit more and his grip tightened around Isabella's waist. But when Isabella saw Paul and Jacob shaking, she pulled out of Embrys arms and grabbed Bella by the wrist. Her grip almost bone shattering as she pulled Bella back. Paul falls forward but halfway to the ground there's a loud ripping noise and Paul explodes in silver-gray fur, becoming a massive wolf crouched and ready to spring.

"Run Jacob!" Bella calls, pulling at Isabella's hand. But Jacob doesn't back down as he falls forward into a black wolf. Isabella pulls Bella into her arms as the wolves make their fighting way into the woods.

As the wolves engaged in their battle, Isabella held onto Bella tightly, her heart racing with fear and adrenaline. She glanced back at the two wolves, her grip on Bella never faltering. "We need to go, Bella," she urged, her voice firm as she pulled her friend towards safety. They ran through the trees, the sounds of the wolves' growls and the crashing of branches echoing behind them.

"Get Bella to Emily's," Sam spoke as he kicked his shoes off and ran after them.

"Guess the wolf's out of the bag now," Embry joked. Isabella rolled her eyes, and let go of Bella.

Isabella nodded, her expression serious as she looked at Embry. "We'll talk later," she said before turning to Bella. "Let's go," she urged, leading her towards Emily's house. As they hurried away from the chaos behind them, Isabella couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty and the weight of what had just unfolded. Embry road in the back of Bella's truck as Isabella drove to Emily's. She hadn't drove Bella in a long time, so when she did, her speed and accuracy surprised Bella.

As they drove, Bella glanced at Isabella, noticing the focused expression on her face as she navigated the roads with precision. "You're a really good driver," Bella commented, trying to ease the tension in the air. Isabella offered a small smile in response, but her mind was clearly preoccupied with the recent events involving the wolves and the revelation of their true nature to Bella.

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