Chapter Eleven

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Pulling into Emily's house, Isabella shut the car off. "Seriously do not stare at Emily," Isabella muttered to Bella as they get ready to get out. Jared opens the door for Bella, as he looks back at Embry.

"Dude, pay up. She didn't puke," he spoke with a laugh. Bella nodded, understanding Isabella's warning about not staring at Emily. She followed Jared out of the car, but couldn't help overhearing his exchange with Embry. She raised an eyebrow, curious about the context of their conversation.

"Told you she was tough, she does run with bloodsuck-" Embry paused, as he looked at his mates glare.

Bella couldn't help but notice Embry's hesitation and the glare from his mate. She wondered what they were discussing and why it seemed sensitive. However, she decided not to pry, respecting their privacy.

"I meant cold ones... sorry Izzy," Embry spoke, as he looked away. He knew when Isabella was tired she wasn't one to mess with. Especially with comments like that.

Isabella nodded, acknowledging Embry's apology. "It's alright," she replied softly, though there was a hint of tension in her voice. She understood Embry's slip-up and appreciated his effort to correct it.

Bella hesitantly enters behind Jared and Embry. She sees Emily at a counter, popping fresh muffins out of a tin. Bell could only one side of Emily's beautiful face, draped by long
black hair. Isabella instantly grabs a muffin and took a large bite, before plopping on the couch. Embry took one and sat, but not before lifting Isabella's head up and resting it on his legs.

"Im going to get you back for that name dropping," Isabella muttered as she ate her muffin. A smirk was laced within her tired eyes.

Embry chuckled, running his fingers through Isabella's hair. "Looking forward to it," he replied playfully. Isabella's playful banter helped ease the tension in the room, providing a moment of lightheartedness amid the chaos of the situation.

Sitting up, Isabella looked at Bella. "Welcome to the world I have been hiding. It just keeps getting worse. Also if you leave, tell Charlie I went on a hike or something," she spoke with a sigh. Laying back down, she looked up at Embry. "I am taking a nap, next time I don't sleep, I'm going literally have to hunt to get my energy up."

Embry nodded understandingly, gently stroking Isabella's hair. "Rest up, Izzy. We'll handle things here," he reassured her, leaning down to kiss her forehead softly. Isabella closed her eyes, feeling a sense of comfort in Embry's presence as she drifted off to sleep, temporarily escaping the turmoil of their world.

As she falls into darkness, she feels herself falling. Isabella is now sitting up in a bed, her foot feeling heavy as she looks around. The room is dark, the walls looking as though they are stone. Seeing a picture on the wall, it is of her father, Aro, and her two uncles. Her legs are covered by a silky red blanket.

"Hello! Hello?" She calls, though her voice is coated in pain. As she feels a gust of wind, she sees her father now looking at her. "Padre," her voice is soft. As he moves closer to her, it is clear he is holding something.

Isabella's heart quickens as her father approaches, his expression unreadable in the dim light. She tries to stand, but her legs feel weak and unresponsive. Aro's gaze seems to pierce through her, and she can't shake the feeling of unease. As he reaches her bedside, he extends his hand, offering her a small, ornate box. Isabella hesitates, unsure of what to do.

"Choose," he spoke, his voice cold as the feel of his undead heart. "Life here, or death." Isabella looked up at him, tears streaming from her eyes. "He's gone Mia Bella," he spoke, as he looked into her eyes.

Isabella's heart sinks at her father's words, the weight of his ultimatum crushing her. She stares at the box in his hand, grappling with the impossible choice before her. Memories of her past life flood her mind, but the pain of loss is still raw and fresh. She glances back at Aro, her eyes filled with sorrow and desperation. "I can't," she whispers, her voice trembling.

Before her father can say anything, she feels a sharp pain in her neck. That was until, she woke up, being shaken by her mate. Embry was looking at her, concern written on his face. Isabella's eyes snap open, her heart racing as she takes in her surroundings. The familiar presence of Embry beside her brings a sense of relief, but the remnants of the dream linger in her mind. She reaches out to him, clutching his hand tightly. "Embry," she breathes, her voice shaky. "I had the strangest dream..."

"My father..." she spoke, before her hand went to her throat. "T-There is nothing there..." she whispered, as she looked up at him.

Embry's expression softens as he listens to Isabella's words, concern evident in his eyes. "It was just a dream, Izzy," he reassures her, gently squeezing her hand. "You're safe here with me." He leans in to brush a kiss against her forehead, offering her comfort in the midst of her distress.

Leaning into his touch, she felt safe. She loved how everything always felt when she was with him. "Thank you," she whispered, as she looked into his eyes.

Embry offers Isabella a reassuring smile. "Anytime, Izzy. I'll always be here for you," he says softly, his gaze filled with warmth and affection. He gently brushes her hair away from her face, silently conveying his love and support for her.

New Moon's Enigma: The Volturi's DaughterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant